Having to deal with a criminal charge can be a tough time, and your next move could completely change what your life will be like for the next coming years. You might already know how essential having the right person in your corner is. Working with the right lawyer will make a world of difference if you’re offered a variety of plea deals, or simply want to get fair sentencing. A good lawyer will be able to represent you in the best light possible, or could also prove your innocence. Here are some of the signs of a good criminal defence lawyer you should be looking for.
Good Criminal Defence Lawyers are Versatile
You want to go with a lawyer that will be able to represent you wherever you are. You have complex cases where multiple jurisdictions are involved, which means that you could be tried in a different place than you are now.
There are companies like Edelson Law Barristers who specialize in these kinds of cases and will be able to make arrangements to represent you even if you’re getting tried in a different province or country. This is something that will be important if you’re involved in an international case and want to make sure that you’ll be properly represented by someone who understands your case at all times.
Good Criminal Defence Lawyers are Well Established Locally
You also want a criminal defence who knows their way around local courts. While everyone should get a fair trial, the harsh reality is that connections and relationships go a long way in this business.
Having a lawyer that is well known and respected among judges could help your case. It could help move certain procedures faster, for instance. A lawyer who knows the ins and outs of how things go in specific courtrooms or with specific judges could help when it comes to sentencing.
They’re Responsive
One of the most important things when dealing with a criminal defence lawyer is making sure that they actually care. You are not just another case in their pile and you can get in touch with them directly if you need to speak about something important.
While you can’t expect to get them on the phone 24/7, and have to respect that they have other engagements, you should be at least able to contact someone familiar with your file until you can get in touch with them.
They’re Great at Simplifying Complex Concepts
If you can’t understand a word of what your lawyer is saying, you should go elsewhere. If you don’t understand what they’re saying, you could end up agreeing to things you won’t understand either. This could be disastrous for you in the future. Not only should they be able to explain complex things in a simple way to you, but they also have to be patient. Beware of anyone who’s too dismissive or seems annoyed by your questions. These are all clear signs that you might have found the right criminal defence lawyer for your case. Taking the time to choose someone you mesh with and who has your best interests in mind is the best thing you can do to increase your chances of getting a fair trial and judgement.