Netflix wellness documentaries have a remarkable impact on motivating individuals to take charge of their health. It is because it distributes a large amount of wellness content in the world that leaves no space to inspire international communities.
Inspiring wellness movies that chronicle a person’s weight loss or transformation often motivate viewers to adopt significant nutritional changes, such as avoiding sugar, junk food, and other processed foods. Further, it also teachers a great lesson Never give up when we lose our hope in lethal diseases.
The best choice is to see other countries’ Netflix in Canada to get a wider range of wellness documentaries on Netflix. It will broaden your vision and help you to better understand the wellness philosophy.
With a little effort, you may access global Netflix content on the streaming king. All you need is a VPN connection that will change your online regional location in the desired country to watch another country’s Netflix.
We binge watch in both good and terrible times. It will be a rationale choice that we can allot some time for the wellness thoughts. Is it feasible to devote some of your Netflix binge-watching time to your mental health and well-being?
Many inspiring and thought-provoking documentaries and films inspire viewers to consider the various options for living the healthier life they wish. We should firmly believe in integrating our watch-list with entertainment plus wellness.
Here are five of the best health and wellness documentaries on Netflix, whether you want to improve your health or learn more about current wellness trends.
1. The Magic Pill

Our wellness has a strong connection with clean diet and a healthy routine cycle. It must also contain an exercising routine to nurture healthy mind and body. Are you looking for motivation to eat better? The Magic Pill deconstructs one of the most popular diets, the ketogenic diet.
The film depicts a ten-week experiment on people who attempted to overcome disease by following this unusual diet. See how the ketogenic diet affected the lives of the participants in the study. You should not miss this amazing wellness documentary.
2. The Truth About Alcohol

New rules in the United Kingdom recommended that men and women drink less alcohol, limiting their consumption to six pints of beer each week. It prompted Javid Abdelmoneim, a British ER doctor, to investigate the facts about alcohol.
While the documentary host explores the health risks of drinking alcohol regularly, he doesn’t hold back on the hilarity. Alcohol is one of the major consumptions in the entire world but we never pay attention to its hazard effects on our health.
3. Period End of Sentence

“Period End of Sentence” is a life-changing documentary that received the Academy Award for best short documentary. The period was inspired by several factors, one of which was the director’s desire to make a film.
The story of women from a tiny town in India who were shamed for having their periods inspired End of Sentence. What’s touching about this story is that when a group of American high school students learned about these Indian women, they set out to raise funds for them.
They used the funds to purchase a low-cost bio-degradable pad-making machine for women. It teaches us lessons of respect, help, and how we all can break the mental barriers. It is one of the nests wellness documentaries on Netflix.
4. Heal

In this wellness documentary, learn about the state of American healthcare and how many Americans are constantly stressed. Did you know that long-term stress weakens the immune system? It is also true; we all get stress on daily basis but we must learn the art of overcoming it.
One of the main elements and causes of chronic stress is the sort of food you eat. Experts with medical, spiritual, and psychological backgrounds will teach you about the food we eat in Heal. They provide information on the causes of chronic stress and how to alleviate it.
5. Human: The World Within React

In this documentary, you will get a wider human growth knowledge from an array of personal experiences from various international communities. It explains how the human body’s multiple complex systems let people live their lives, pursue their passions, and achieve their life goals.
It will inspire you in realizing your wellness and fitness potential and motivate you to begin living a healthy lifestyle. The remarkable workings of the human body, cutting-edge science, and fascinating personal tales collide in this illuminating documentary series.
Wrapping Up
There is a lot of good inspiring wellness video content available on Netflix. Such films can undoubtedly help people achieve their life goals, but they must be added to a favorite watchlist in order to provide strong inspiration and clear direction.