Dear Editorial Board,
I sent the following letter to [email protected] with respect to the Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign.The letter is self-explanatory.For obvious reasons please keep my name anonymous”
Dear GoFundMe Team,
I do not agree with your hosting of the “fundraiser” for the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022.
I am not a donor to this lunatic fund. I am a Canadian Citizen and among the 90% of the population who is fully vaccinated and who does not condone these protests – in any way.
Facebook protest sites are now asking people to write to GoFundMe to ensure that this fund continues.
So, if you start to receive form-style letters asserting that Joe/Joanne Blow represents ALL the people of Canada (who have had their freedoms curtailed) – keep that vaccination percentage fully in mind as this represents most Canadians. This 90% also uses GoFundMe to donate to worthwhile causes.
In terms of this being a “peaceful protest”, I do not agree that causing major border delays is peaceful.
I do not agree that planning to jam Canadian highways and intimidating citizens and the Canadian Government is “peaceful”.
I do not agree that collecting funds to enable a large group of testosterone-driven men to put extortive pressure on the Canadian Government – by collecting en masse in Ottawa – is peaceful.
I do not agree that blocking highways and borders and thus slowing down the supply chain for all Canadians is peaceful. If not legally, then morally, it can be construed as a hostage-taking of all Canadians – vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
In short, allowing this group to collect funds for the purpose of occupying the city of Ottawa, Canada and to foment what might easily become a violent confrontation with the government of Canada and its police forces and or military, will be tantamount to condoning and abetting an act of terrorism that brings to mind the recent January 6 (2021) occupation of the US capitol.
In terms of Ms. Tamara Lich – the organizer of this GoFundMe campaign – she is a past affiliate of the Yellow Vest movement (linked to death threats against the Canadian Prime Minister) and the current secretary of the recently formed Maverick Party (they were Wexit) who advocate for Alberta separating from Canada to join the US. Not exactly a pro-Canada cheerleader.
I thought the concept of GoFundMe was to help people to donate to worthy causes; to help each other. This current campaign is totally against the spirit of GoFundMe as I understand it.
In closing; if GoFundMe allows this circus to go on, it will become the platform of choice for more of these groups and will likely invite governmental scrutiny that may hamper its ongoing activities.
Name Withheld
Dear Name Withheld, your right to disagree is absolute, as is our right to fight like heck against what we believe to be wrong in our (my) country.
Your thinly vailed threats to gofundme are discussing, but you know that. You are nothing but a nameless bully, as is the vast majority of people like you.
Name NOT withheld
Trevor Wilson
You meant “veiled” when you wrote “vailed”. You meant “disgusting” when you wrote “discussing”. You should have said “as are the vast majority” not “as is the vast majority”. Your writing is sloppy, like your logic.
Sally, is that all you understand about this Rally???? wow
The Trevor Wilson formerly of Fredericton?
link disallowed
Try spell check the next time you write something.
Just sent a donation to buy these “testosterone driven terrorists” more diesel.
I agree with the sentiment of the Letter.
Over $3 Million has now been raised using “Cross Border Trucker Vaccination” as the drawing card for thousands of people to donate. The protest has since pivoted and is now a protest against Government Mandates generally.
GoFundMe is the Gasoline, and Facebook is the Match.
Together, large sums of money and hyperbolic viral spread of misinformation on Facebook has the potential to spin this “Convoy for Freedom 2022” into something that many everyday Canadians would not support.
I am concerned for the traffic congestion and disruption this will provide in all of the cities across Canada.
When the Big Rigs come to Toronto and jam up city streets, causing an ambulance not to reach a person having a heart attack, when thousands of home deliveries are late because of traffic, will that really help our economy, or make things better for cross border truckers who resist being vaccinated?
You’re uncanadian if you’re against a peaceful protest for freedom. I hope you choke on the food a trucker delivered fire your.
Bunch of entitled children who won’t grow up and get a vaccine. Would jesus get vaccinated for you? Did anyone die in wars for you? Grow up, seriously.
My grandfathers both fought & were injured in war ..they bravely put their lives in the line for the freedoms our generation has enjoyed..its a betrayal to their suffering & efforts to let those right/freedoms be ripped away (as they are to a disastrous & dangerous even deadly degree …without a taking a stand..the Canada I was born & raised I is unrecognisable with criminal.dictatorship this…& FYI
.am.vax ( many of us who support this are..its really not just about said proven innefective at stopping transmission nor even getting or about just the virus itself at this point which is tantamount to a flue fr most every other person getting thats vaxed I hot it too survive without care ) though the vx itself nearly killed me.. it damaged my heart just for starters.. I couldn’t breath for mnths..damage done by wll surely cut my life short..i feel it & the myriad if serious long term effects of every minute if every a fraction of the vibrant hard earned impeccable health I was 20 minutes prior as all my results proved if drs r to be believed as were so busy protecting vx & lying & hiding results refusing even oxygen in must if 14..24 he to 3 day thrombotic attacks over the course of several mnths …
none the less without exception we are expected to continue with being forced to put yet more guns to our heads which will prove deadly next time fr me..ofcthat I am certain .there are no exceptions in this corrupt system as it stands..I had my eyes open to that terrifyingly, unable to this day, despite mnths of begging for help. in out if emerg with suddicating thrombotic attacks to get any care
.meds it even an MRIdrs…it was clear that they were so scared of losing thier jobs.$ than my dying literally.. that they flat out lied ..refused my.medical records finally .promised but failed to provide referrals, tests ..meds . ghosted me & sent me home to die alone..exactly what about any of thidv is ok in any civilized humane society
.& there r thouss ds like nd & worse & many have died from this forced inneffective experiment..
.there r countless like me & worse too many dying every day from ..this INSANITY has ruined our country..
I implore go fund me to Please unfreeze my hard earned funds that I have entrusted to u to be given to a critically needed cause that myself & thousands of Ca Adrian’s hard earned donations to support these brave warriors who are putting themselves on the l8ne/ at risk for a cause wexALL believe in. They are not violent,/ nor terrorists nor hate supreamasists as liars have put out to be able nion our rights to peaceful protests to regain our rights,, freedoms, jobs & businesses back ..we were forced into this by the govt that is meant to serve us not Visa versa…what gives u ad a business we hs e trusted our $ to the right to hold other peoples funds.? U need to do the job u promised to do.. u are not judge & jury ..I’ll be making my next donations not to u EVER AGAIN as I hope 50 thousand plus Canadians at least will agree to boycott u if u diont di the job we all trusted u ti do ..but hence forward I will be sending them funds directly directly as freezing g even shows we ca not trust u..
Although it barely seems like at this point last I checked we still had the right( guess this govt wants to strip that right away willy nilly too..just making up, changing rules, breaking laws as they go,)to peacefully protest in my home free & strong…
My grandfather fought in WW2. And the moment he landed in Europe… they all got vaccinated. When the war was happening there was extreme war measures EVERYONE had to follow. Black out curtains, food rations, curfews etc… it went on for years. Do you really think the freedom you are fighting for is the same as what our grandparents did? It’s embarrassing that anyone would compare the two. NOT THE SAME at all.
All you know is what your grandfather told you, Merie. Even then, over the years, the facts gets watered down. If it was not written at the time of the occurrence or one has a photographic memory, then you have to take it with a grain of salt.
So Eartha, I guess that both your Grandfather’s would be ok with protesters urinating on the National War Memorial and the Tomb of tge Unknown Soldier?
Those are the only topic you understand? do you even understand why those truckers and thousands of Canadians are protesting against forcing people to wear Masks and getting the VACCINE….I am double vaccinated but I am all for our FREEDOOM!!
And you clearly have no idea what losing your freedoms mean if you think the inconvenience of wearing a mask is just that. And if you think that living with the consequences of your decisions (not getting vaccinated when your employer requires it) is also a loss of freedom. Your employer has the choice to enforce this or not. You have the choice to move along. F***ing entitled people.
Canadian truckers we salute you from Europe! Excellent job. $ 400 CAD just donated.
When will you people realize …
1) the vaccines aren’t working to eradicate this virus. People vaccinated are still getting sick.
2) it’s about control. We’re losing our freedoms. The vaccinated are losing their freedoms.
100% behind the Freedom Convoy.
2) it’s about control. We’re losing our freedoms. The vaccinated are losing their freedoms.
I’m confused by this statement. I am vaccinated and received a booster. What freedoms did I lose by doing so? My day to day living hasn’t changed.
I believe you would be better off arguing that the reasoning for the vaccine would be a better target for you. As the pandemic handling would be more of an issue for you then the measures taken regarding the vaccine.
I got vaccinated for two reasons
most obvious one being I would rather not die because of covid and the other less obvious (less obvious to you, regardless of the success rate of the vaccine), I would rather not be responsible for causing hardships and possibly death to someone else. Simply because my freedom of choice for something that affects everyone may or may not be infringed upon!
This is just me though, the guilt of causing pain upon someone I love would be too much, as would the knowing I hurt someone because of my own selfishness.
Terrible that mindless zombies are gaining real power in these times. It’s a sad day to be Canadian honestly I had more faith in our society to be able to see and expel the propoganda machines that would hurt and hinder or bring down our society.
I 100% support freedom convoy as it is not just the truckers who are affected by the tyranny and corruption of our government it is all Canadians and enough is enough! Our commonwealth country partner the UK are ending mandates and passports time we follow suit!!
The fact that this news article actually posts shit like this… Is proof enough that it’s all a freaking big lie even this article probably written by the news reporters. So so sad they think us people can’t see through this. Whether these people realize or not the government has already been using war style propaganda on Canadian citizens since the corona started which was in the paper! Maybe they should freaking read what’s going on to realize you guys are propaganda factories and just lackeys to your government funders.
This is rediculous ! The only way out is to show the government we have freedom of choice . The person obivousily doesn’t put their name ha ha put your name where you mouth is . Roll on truckers !!! Roll on !
Proud Canadian I am
I too fully vaxed!!! We need our freedoms back !
I hope this person stocked on groceries ! God bless them in hopes they see the lights!
Feel sorry for you anonymous !!
Sorry to all you liberal IDIOT’S if you are going to be put out for a few day’s. The majority of CANADIAN’S are behind this convoy and so am l. The supply chain as you call it , is not going to happen, because our truckers have to be able to get into USA to get our supplies. THESE TRUCKERS ARE EVERY DAY HARD WORKING CANADIANS, WANTING TO MAKE A LIVING . ROLL ON BOYS AND GIRLS, ROLL ON.
PS — GO FUND ME is there for a purpose, and this convoy is not a TERRORIST GROUP as the so called PM says it is
ummm… No, a “majority of Canadians” are NOT behind this, Not even a majority of the CTA is behind it.
Sorry to inform you Merle but truckers as well as everyone else have to be vacinated to get into the USA.
The author of this is a childish discriminatory wack-job, who is too cowardly to stand behind their own voice. Freedom of choice is a human right and a civil right. They also have the right to protest, and right to work without discriminatory apartheid based on the Charter of Freeedoms. The “90% majority are vaxxed” argument is irrelevant. That’s like saying black people make up 10% of the US population so their voice is irrelevant. How discriminatory. To all you who agree with the letter: Your opinion does not make it lawful. Stop blaming truckers for slowing down the economy. The mandates are doing that. Whereas truckers are for free-open markets and Civil Liberty. Everyone who agrees with the letter lacks critical thinking or reason, and believes in abuse of power based on a spoiled entitled “feelings”. Its pathogenic thinking. Like a mental disability or mental disease.
Dear Gofund me. This is NOT A TERRORIST OR VIOLENT ORGANIZATION. THEY ARE STANDING UP FOR THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF ALL WHO STILL BELIEVE “MY BODY, MY CHOICE”. How dare the sheep use words like terrorist or violence. They are truckers driving for a purpose, to stop Trudeau from completely destroying what is left for us as Canadians to be proud of and CANADIANS ARE PROUD OF OUR TRUCKERS!!! DRIVE ON TRUCKERS, THOSE OF US REFUSING TO BE SHEEP SUPPORT YOU.
The only person saying this is a Terrorist & Violent Organization is Justin Trudeau and his flakes.
To name withheld. You may see us unvaccinated and supporting this rally as something wrong, but it’s not. We as a people are allowed the freedom to choose what we want to go in our bodies first off. Secondly, you need to open your eyes! Wake up! This is the start. We are fighting peacefully, to stand up for our rights as human beings!! As a sheep who follows blindly I understand this concept is difficult for you to understand. But we are peacefully standing up for all our rights. This is the first step the government wants to take, and it ends now.
Perhaps this pandemic hasn’t hit you personally. But it has affected so many people, not just from getting covid but from so many other ways. Lockdowns destroyed a lot of lives. It destroyed all the little mom and pop shops. Businesses people have put everything they had in. You think this tyranny will end of everyone got a vaccine???? Have you watched any news? Have you seen other countries remove mandates??? They have got it right. I could go on and on, it i feel I’d be wasting my breath on you.
Thank you truckers for being strong and keep it up!
As far as I understand. It’s Canadians standing for Canadians with good intentions in getting Canada back on its feet. Nothing sinister. Under the Canadian law, we can voice our opinions and protest peacefully. I am double vaccinated, I have no desire to force anyone into making a medical decision, that is up to the person and their physician….against division and discrimination. Obviously the idea of closing down establishments that only the vaccinated could get in….well, need I say more? Wise is the person who keeps an open mind and not afraid to stand up when you see people being bullied.
No one special, just meand my thoughts.
The fact that the author of the smear letter does not have the courage to put their name to their words speaks volumes as to their character and credibility.I like many who have supported the Trucker Freedom Convoy GoFundMe are fully vaccinated and have followed all the rules and mandates for 2 years. With the emergence of Omicron the perceived crisis is effectively over thus government overreach and suppression of our rights and freedoms must cease .The Trucker Freedom Convoy is a peaceful protest to help us over the finish line as it is clear that our politicians nor health beurocrats are going to relinquish their control or pivot the narrative on the Covid pandemic readily
.Despite mounting evidence that Omicron is mild and flu like , that the existing ‘vaccination”is ineffective for immunity and measures such as masking , social distancing, lockdowns and Vax passports are largely ineffective while causing immeasurable damage to our economy and our citizens ,,in particular children/young people the government and health beurocrats continue their single vision dogma in the management of Covid.It is time for people to assess and manage their own risk to Covid Omicron or any other virus and act accordingly without the government mandates.Enough is truely.enough.Lets move on with life and hope we can repair the damage.I support the truckers completely .They have renewed my pride in being a Canadian in a country that was once hailed as being a land of freedom and liberty.
Tracy Allen
Written by Trudeau himself. Another bought and paid for member of the media who takes government handouts. Posting opinion pieces with vested interest. Nice to see which side of freedom you stand on. You should see quite a few more opinion pieces in the comments now that you’ve shown your true colors.
Forced government mandates are absolutely unCanadian. I am fully vaccinated and the government unfortunately need to review and get our beautiful country back to what it means to be Canadian!!
All this hatred has me giving big. Its clear they are in the right and you’ve become some filled with hatred that you can no longer tolerate anyone who disagrees with you.
I am 100% behind the trucker convoy we need more people to stand up for Canadians . All the Trudeau and liberal mandatory vaccine supporters can boil water and eat shit tell this ends.
Go to Russia or Korea if you don’t like freedom.
The ignorance of someone telling me and other ” free” Canadians, that YOU think you can tell us how to spend our money is absolutely COMICAL. Give your head a shake………
I’m sorry, but my rights don’t end where your cowardice begins. Hide in your house for the rest of your life. That is your choice, but the rest of us would like to move on with our lives. Thanks.
You know it doesn’t matter if we were even 100% Vaxxed because soon to be Vaxxed will mean continual boosters. This is about our freedom to choose. All of us Vaxxed or Unvaxxed plus the vax on using working as planned. I support this group to represent All of our rights
I fully support Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022!!! This is the courage needed to force governments to back down from bad and in this case unconstitutional policy. I made my donation this morning. So stock up your shelves and toot a thankyou if you pass a convoy.
I love how if you’re against what’s happening with the truckers… you are less Canadian… Go protest a liveable wage? go fund that.
Just read your letter…you must be a George Soros/Justin Trudeau/WEF sycophant. I’ll be making my financial donation to the truckers shortly.
This isn’t and never has been about the health of Canadians. We are sopposed to believe that all of a sudden the Government cares about us. Thank you truckers for standing up for our rights and Freedoms. May God be with you all.
Mr. Anonymous, I’m glad to see you’re one of the sheep that has followed the herd, doesn’t mean that all the rest of us don’t have a brain. Believe it or not there are actually some Canadians that would like our freedoms restored . Thank you Truckers for standing up for our rights.
This is the most Patriot act on Canadian soil in Canadian history. Our military stands by people in foreign countries to support their independence. This is truckers. Our military should have done this already. I salute all of them. Lockdown parliament see how they like it. It’s taxpayers that pay their obscene salaries to which they took no pay it’s whilst Canadians suffered to this.
Sad to see how easily brain washed you “great citizens” get, if the vaccines worked and there were no more lockdowns I would have agreed with everything you said. But in my books you would have to be an idiot to believe that it’s working, I’m double vaxxed by the way. It’s funny how no one sees it as our government trying to create another divide between its people. Look at how you talk about unvaccinated people now, their not even people to some of you anymore. We were all born with free will and the freedom to make our own choices without being ridiculed by some moron who thinks writing an article is gonna make them feel different. Take a look in the mirror it’s people like you who are the problem people like you in Canada are the reason we’re one of the only countries in the world on lockdown. Look at USA sold out sports venues FREEDOM exactly what these truckers want.
I have one thing to say…if you don’t stand WITH the truckers and all their supporters FEEL FREE TO STAND IN FRONT OF THE RIGS as they roll on!!! Thank you to all who stand for FREEDOM!!!
My Annoymous, Are you blind? Are you not seeing the hwy’s and overpasses lined up with True Canadians supporting? Do you not want your freedoms back your rights back, your breath back? Do you want to keephiding behind a mask like a criminal so people can’t see your smile?
Wake up and see the freedom we all want and when we get it back you owe all of it to this massive movement.
And by tge way, this is not a antivax movement so your 90% bullshit doesnt have weight. It’s a Canadian Freedom Movement and maybe your part of the 10% that doesnt want freedom
Everyone is allowed their opinion and they should stand behind with their name otherwise it is not an option at all but anonymous propaganda designed to Create division. The Editorial board of the Cornwall Seeker should be embarrassed to have published this piece! I remind the editors of their mission at the top of this page. “Positively local supporting local” their was nothing positive or supporting in this piece. Support freedom of speech, opinion, and personal autonomy!
Thank you to all those who are using their voice against vaccine mandates. Support our truckers.
Thank you
Brodie Wilkinson- Canadian voter, peaceful citizen, tax payer and contributing member of society.
Given the hatred spewed at whomever wrote the original letter, no wonder they don’t want to be named.
I respect and stand behind the truckers. They are fighting for our freedoms and it’s about time somebody does. Each day we will lose mor and more if we don’t do something now
Dont speak for the vaccinated either! I am double bacxed and completely support the truckers!!
Dear Mr Anonymous
We are talking about a flu with a 99 percent survival rate that the Government has used as a ploy to destroy the lives of Canadians. You are amongst the maybe 1 percent that doesn’t care about our freedoms. Give your head a shake, this is about our lives and our childrens lives. Go truckers go!!!
Thanks, letter writer, for being the lone voice of reason.
Apparently these people enjoy Covid and would like it to be spread more widely.
No, Truckers, you don’t speak for me.
You actually believe that the vaccine will end covid? How sad and uneducated. We all know the vaccines do not keep you from getting or spreading covid so exactly how do you think the vaccine will save us? Your argument has no facts to back it up. None. I chose to get vaccinated but have since regretted my decision since it seems to have zero affect. I will never support forced vaccinations. People have the right to choose for themselves. If the vaccine actually did anything more people might get it but it clearly does not have any impact on covid.
Affect? And you call them uneducated?
To DeeDee, who wrote a comment above. 90 percent of the people supporting the truckers are fully vaccinated. And those that aren’t, don’t want too. And guess what, it’s their body so it’s their choice. The vaccines have done nothing in case you haven’t noticed. And please leave Jesus out of this. There is nothing in the Bible that tells us to put unknown substances in our body for the greater good. Stop being a sheep
I support the freedom convoy. I am someone who is double vaxxed only because I was coerced by my government. I fully support this freedom rally. I will proudly put my name beside this post unlike the person who wrote this piece who is unwilling to stand by what they say. Don’t conflate a 90 percent vax rate as anything close to a 90 percent approval rating for vax mandates.
Fuck you Debra
I second that Ethan. Debra, you are an idiot
You’re f’n kidding me right?! What these truckers are doing is OUTSTANDING! They are a blended group of FEMALES AND MALES not just a group of “testosterone driven” people looking to cause havoc. These wonderful truckers are representing ALL CANADIANS and our RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS! This is a convoy for freedom and last time I checked, freedom was not an act of terrorism. Go Fund Me needs to allow the monies raised to go to those standing up for our rights! It’s sickening they would do this to a PEACEFUL GROUP OF PEOPLE. This open letter with no name is a farce. I support our truckers 100% and they are in no way, shape or form a terrorist group and this letter should be taken down, it’s disgusting and disrespectful.
Your an idiot…your article lost credibility as soon as you stated 90% of the population is fully vaccinated. It’s at 78.2%. Educate yourself first b4 you write something ridiculous as this.
I support the Freedom Truckers 100%. I’ll donate a 4th time now just to show my support, and more. That comment by “anonymous” is not backed up by logic nor by an understanding of what is at stake. So many of us, both vaxxed and unvaxxed, are outraged by the devastation to shopkeepers, restaurant owners and so many other businesses plus countless individuals being stripped of their livelihood as a result of government mandates. The ultimate control the government strives for is UN-Canadian. Denying travel? What sort of monsters are running this show? Denying jobs? Forcing people from their sources of income? It’s more than despicable. I talk to people in their 90’s who tell me they know the government is hiding the truth. The wrongness of what Trudeau and his followers are doing is clear to the general population. The logic that normal people are blessed with tells them the government is lying.
So many who see the lies and who are now speaking out are just normal, everyday people who normally go about their lives not concerned about politics. Whether or not the vax is advisable is NOT the point! Has the government been bought lock, stock and barrel? I hope not. I hope integrity among our leaders exists. I hope pharmaceutical companies pushing their agenda can be teased away from the current coercion of citizens. I hope politicians exist somewhere in Canada who see that coercion is coercion is coercion. Don’t pretend that because citizens are not held down and forcefully vaccinated that it’s not coercion.
I see vax harm that doctors will not indentify as vax harm. I see other reports that may indicate that getting vaxxed could be a reasonable risk.
But the point is that the coercion must stop!
Bullying and coercion by politicians deliberately denying jobs, denying travel, denying everyday basic rights and freedoms has got to stop!
who is making sure the money goes to the truckers and the people supporting them. do we send a picture of ourselves at the protest with our email address to receive a check
I am so overcome with pride for these truckers, I have tears in my eyes as I type this.
Finally, a group of Canadians has galvanized to protest in a significant manner.
The World is paying attention!
Trudeau and his cronies are scared, and they should be.
The truckers heading to Ottawa are NOT an army to be taken lightly. Heck, they have their American brothers and sisters joining them! What solidarity!
This is not an anti-vaccine protest, it’s an anti-mandate and pro-freedom-of-choice protest.
Thank God for these truckers standing up for our freedom!
May God bless them and keep them safe on their journey!
Keep rollin’ guys and gals, Canada LOVES you!!
This letter by “name withheld” is an example of pure panic because the majority of Canadians are standing with the truckers. I am vaccinated and I am done with the mandates.
Name withheld is a coward and lowlife
Name withheld is a rat you like our PM Castro
Well this backfired for the editor’s……vaccinated here and does not condone your type of discrimination.
To those who call us terrorists. I am the Same person now as I was 25years ago when I started driving truck.I’m also the same guy that stayed on the road for 3 months eating in my truck, refused entry to shipping and receiving restrooms. The same guy that was scared to death about this just like you probably were. Yes I’m also the guy that never seen my fiance for 3 months and apon arrival in town waved from a distance before heading to my place of isolation for 14 days. Yes I’m also the guy that had my wedding postponed for 2 extra years No I’m not a terrorists. Just an average guy doing a lob I love. I don’t ask for any sympathy. I choose the life. I just want to be respected. It’s not about Vax or unvaxed it’s about lock down and mandate.. if you want to call us terrorists, extremists or any other names. Please have all your facts in place first..I can’t speak for everyone. But the people who I have met over the years are honest law abiding citizens who just want a better life for our families
To Name Withheld. You need to take a good look around you and actually watch and listen to whats happening outside of main stream media. People are tired of the mandates and thats up to and including the vaxx pass. I am vaccinated and don’t have the vaxx pass and don’t want it. Don’t want to be forced to take a shot that doesn’t work either. I 100% stand behind the truckers and Freedom Convoy.
If you think this is the unvaxed vs the vaxed, you need to educate yourself! After all even Justin Castro says 90% of the truckers are vaxed! Many vaxed people are very tierd of thois control mandates! We are basicly all sick and tierd of the mandates! Maybe not small minded people like Debra, but mostly everyone. These mandates are a form of control, and have zero effect on the COVID spread. More chance of getting the virus if you are infact vaxed! Go figure! I think this Go Fund Me website is a great tool to do exactly what it’s doing! Right now the total is nearing $4 million! Now if that’s not support from the entire nation! What a great tool for raising cash to accomplish things that matter! Thanks to Go Fund Me for doing this! You are part of the heros in this opperation! Also…. If the writers don’t want their names published because they’re candyasses, why even post their garbage!
Justin is not going to be in Ottawa anyway! He has an appointment at the sex change clinic! He wants to become a man!!
I am triple vaccinated and believe the science that we will get rid of this virus sooner if more people got vaccinated. Having said this, I am also a supporter for free speech and believe the unvaccinated should have their voices heard. I do not however, support the disruption of the supply chain and causing havoc on our public roads. If the unvaccinated want to protest, they should take the time off work, travel independently to Ottawa and engage in peaceful protest.
I am fully vaccinated and I hope more men and woman of Canada stand up for their rights. I was vaccinated by choice and believe many wars were fought and won so I could have that freedom of choice. 90 % of these truckers that are protesting are fully vaccinated as well. Maybe we all need a dose of testosterone. This is wrong that we are being terrorized by our government and threatened to have our privileges removed without a vaccine.
You say 90% are vaxd. Im one of those and support the truckers 100%. Mandates are dividing us
I can understand why you wanted your name withheld. I’m sure JT will give you a job.
I support this convoy of freedom so does God if God can give free choice who is anybody else to do different God bless this convoy
I 100% support these truckers and you are incorrect not all 90% support the mandates. Go fund me is doing nothing wrong, as Canadians we all have the right to peacefully protest.
I believe in vaccines, that said, any injection or medical decision should be left to the individual without risk of livelihood. We made it this far with truckers and medical staff unvaccinated. Focus on get vaccinated campaigns not coerision tactics, and getting boosters and vaccinations to the vunerable and 3rd world countries. It’s a ridiculous move now by Trudeau when the supply chain is already stressed. 20% of truckers off the road is more harmful imo.
Those that stand to lose the most stand together. My sons and daughters will not live in your dystopian nightmare. Although this loving band of Canuck truckers may not win the war, they stand for all that is good and true in our society. I would gladly lay down in front of them to show my support and so should you. To go against the tide will surely see your demise. You can’t hold back the wave of justice this go round. The wave is 20 feet high and 1000 miles long, and it’s a Rollin through the night with the hand of the almighty pushing it along. Good luck Turdo, may God have mercy on you. You fucked with the wrong Country.
To Name Withheld: Your Hubris is almost as high as Turdeau’s. You’ve obviously swallowed the blue pill. This truckers protest is about freedoms, everyones freedoms and our Charter Rights and The Bill Of Rights And the Nuremberg Code. You have your right to your opinion, but don’t infringe on mine or anyone else’s. You’re acting like a Traitor, like Turdeau. If you believe the jab is protecting you fine, but they only provide a small percentage of temporary protection. So get 5-10-20 jabs if you like but don’t insist others do. My body my choice. When your grocery store shelves are bare and you’re starving blame Turdeau, not the brave drivers who you’ve so egregiously treated with disrespect. If you can’t treat your fellow Canadians with respect, keep it to yourself!
Ian Thomson.
Name Not Witheld!
If you truly stand behind your beliefs you wouldn’t be such a coward and withhold your name. Who cares if you are vaccinated good for you, this convoy is about MANDATES and how wrong they are and are infringing on our rights. Try educating yourself on the cause instead of writing this shameful letter. These donations are going to a great cause and everyone is free to donate and support them and this great cause
100% support the convoy and what it stands for. “Nameless” here trying to control how people spend their money is a prime example of the liberal agenda that’s got people so upset in the first place. If you don’t agree with the liberal agenda you are a “fringe” “minority” “anarchist” the truth is a lot of people have disagreed with how Canada has handled the pandemic from the start. This isn’t a hick “anti vaccine protest” it is a huge group of Canadians that have been economically crushed by the pandemic and are sick of government overreach amd forced socialism. Keep taking the money Gofundme.
Honestly even the so called “Conservative” O’Toole in the latest press conference refused to support the truckers fight for freedom!
The truckers are our hope for democracy in this elected dictatorship we have!
Well I’m part of that 90% you keep referring to and I completely disagree with you. What exactly makes you think you can speak for that 90%? What a garbage piece of writing this letter is
Hello…Babies on Wheels. Yup. Babies On Wheels. Wasting fuel. Empty trucks? What about the safety of others…. Police. Ambulances. Fire and Rescue Trucks. Will they obstructed? Your Wasting your time. Jamming highways. Polluting. Etc.
This truly is an embarrassment.
What’s the matter? Afraid to put your full name? What’s an embarrassment is making a comment that you can’t put your name to and expecting it to be taken seriously. You’re a whiney little coward. Your welcome from the truckers for defending even your freedom.
It’s truly hilarious that the OP withheld their name like another coward we know running our country. And the first who comments says 90% of the Canadian people don’t support the truckers. But yet we’ll over 90% of the comments on here are from their supporters lol. Just creating more traction.
Ohh.. i did not know there was a Go fund me .. i just donated.. thanks ..
Better hide inside if your so embarrassed jo sounds like your scared of the world I’m sure emergency services were able to take alternate routes that weren’t on highways and the truckers knew that before they started the protest, please pull your head out of your ass and try not to believe everything you see on the liberal news platforms common sense goes a long ways in the world jo
Trudeau is shitting his pants, keep up the good work and we’ll see you in Ottawa
I fully support the freedom convoy. Way to go.
For those that cannot open their eyes.its not just vaccinations.
Take a look at what you have lost even though you are fully vaccinated.
The masks,the restrictions,the bs that people shame others for not feeling comfortable with being demanded to be vaccinated, the job losses,the big box stores being able to run but small business being forced to close,healthcare professionals and truckers,big box store employees, (essential workers) expected to work during the pandemic then demonized for not complying and stripped of there ability to provide for their families after risking themselves at the beginning of the pandemic,time with family.
vaccinated or not they will not stop this tyranny. They don’t give 2 shits if your vaccinated they are just stripping away your rights.
vaccinations are not getting rid of covid and complying is not getting rid of restrictions they have just become away to split Canadians and control the population.
Wake up
If you need proof just look at the bs restrictions/unvaxinated tax that they have / are trying to imply in Quebec. 2022 enough is enough!
When will you people realize the vaccines aren’t working to stop this virus. People vaccinated are still getting sick. And that it’s about control. We’re losing our freedoms. People wake up!!
100% behind the Freedom Convoy. Donated them $$$$$. Go truckers, go!!
Anyone that doesn’t wants to stop the convoy is communist! People are waking up and now see how Justin Castro does not want unvaxed to have rights and is using them to turn this country into a hate regime. Canadians were once known for their peace and love and Harper started it and Justin Castro is finishing it, destroying a benevolent country turning mothers against daughters and fathers against their sons and every one against everyone. We need to break this hate spell and unify as one that all people will be treated equal!
Stay strong and roll on! This convoy has the full support from my house!
Sorry this is my correction from above one: Anyone that wants to stop the convoy is communist! People are waking up and now see how Justin Castro does not want unvaxed to have rights and is using them to turn this country into a hate regime. Canadians were once known for their peace and love and Harper started it and Justin Castro is finishing it, destroying a benevolent country turning mothers against daughters and fathers against their sons and every one against everyone. We need to break this hate spell and unify as one that all people will be treated equal!
1000% for Freedom 2022 convoy. Just donated and will continue to support. Thank you to all the truck drivers
To Jo. You are a special kind of stupid. We need the truckers period. Where do you think that everything you eat, wear, use comes from? Your comment is ignorant and disgusting. I can’t believe that people like you actually exist. Grosse
All of you people who think this letter is ok should beat it.
Well name withheld, I support your right to speak your mind. We should expect that in a democratic system. I do however, need to disagree with you threatening Go Fund Me. You said “Go Fund Me… was to help people to donate to worthy causes”. Were you recently elected to be the chief determiner of worthy causes? I definitely don’t want you choosing my worthy causes and I won’t be choosing yours. You’re just mad because Go Fund Me tries to give everyone a voice but you want everyone to use your voice. I’ll let you in on a little secret – it doesn’t work that way. Truly, this nugget of wisdom. will save yourself much grief, angst and heartache. Even if it was only 1 person in Canada who drove into Ottawa, that person has the right to tell those in power how they feel.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama
What a fucking disgusting letter. Not proud of being a Canadian anymore if this idiot writing this letter thinks he represents canada and Canadians! I’m actually not proud already having learned how gullible, subservient and weak most Canadians have proven to be in the last year of lies coming from the paid msm and this shameful govt.
Dear ”name witheld” if you can’t stand by your opinion by revealing yourself, your letter is worth as much as the remains on the toilet paper you wiped your ass with..
You can tell a lot about a person on who they attack.
You chose to attack blue collar working class that keeps the country movie forward. What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read to it
Trudeau has said that he wants the go fund me page shut down. TOTAL DICTATORSHIP! He’s a spoiled trust fund baby who’s never had to worry about money or food. Last year in an interview he said and i quote “I don’t think about monetary policy” . WOW!! I 100% support the Truckers and I also support vaccination. When the Truckers arrive at a warehouse etc to pick up a load they don’t have to get out of their truck, all paperwork is done electronically, they sleep in their sleeper cabs. The only time they have any contact with other people is when they eat and they are entitled to that. The comments made by anonymous are out of touch with reality.
Good luck getting your money from me, you’re truly a bunch of dumb asses getting scammed by one smart lady. Goodbye Suckers.
Lol they don’t need your money moron. The rest of us donated plenty.
The weather is beautiful in Cancun, thanks for the free trip SUCKERS.
You wish. Lol The only suckers are you sheep who faithfully do as your told without question.
If you’re so steadfast in your beliefs why hide like a coward behind an anonymous account? Own your convictions and stand behind them,if not GTFO the way.
The Freedom Convoy Movement is becoming more than just about vaccine mandates, it’s about shouting out that some of us in this country feel that our rights are being violated as a whole. For Justin Trudeau to talk about fear mongering when that’s what the Governments of the modern world are masters at, to call this gathering group a Terror Organization and trying to block their GOFUNDME is absurd. I stand behind these people for at least having the courage to come out and doing something that stands with their convictions unlike all these meme posting, gutless activists on social media and beyond. Many average Canadian citizens are getting behind them as OUR voice to uphold our individual and collective freedoms. We should all be very proud of whatever they might be able to accomplish by the actions and persistance we are witnessing, which is bringing attention to the tyrannical COVID restrictions we have seen in Canada and how messed up and how lousy our federal and provincial health care systems really are!!! And to the fact that what we really don’t want is a political structure that ressembles authoritarianism (with some of the bills we’ve seen being passed in the last couple of years and the handling of COVID) in our present and in our future!
Testosterone good!
Dear unnamed.
The fact the convoy is over 70 kms long speaks for itself. Being vaccinated has nothing to do with you are the minority when it comes to the support this cause has. The convoy represents freedom of choice. This is not Nazi Germany and our amazing truck drivers are ensuring that it stays that way. By all means if you feel the need to get a booster every 6 months, continue to do so. If you feel the need to wear a mask, then continue to do so. But I live in Canada. It used to be the best and most free country in the world. We are taking that freedom back. I chose no mandates! I chose no forced vaccines! I choose to fight for our rights!
I hope this opens your eyes at what is truely happening. And I get that you would not post your name because you know the backlash you would get. You already know you are a minority. 90% of the vaccinated did it “to get on with life”. It didn’t work. This will!
So right. These idiots will put Ottawa under siege. They’re going to cause the supply chain to break. If your shelves are empty, it’s not going to be because of a vaccine mandate, that by the way is ALSO in effect at the American border (what do you want Ottawa to do about that?) but because of these truckers.
Not for long. The American Freedom convoy to DC begins soon. It’s already in the works.
This makes me happy to see the cry-babies on here whining about a peaceful protest. Now we know it’s working 😉 I support this trucker convoy 100% and have made a donation accordingly.
Anytime a “writer” resorts to name calling they out themselves as nothing more than a mouth piece with no evidence. These protests have the support of MANY who are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Pitting one group agains the other is a bully tactic meant to divide. This “roll out” is about freedom to live without tyranny and a PM who also uses name calling and intimidation to push his way through and/or when someone disagrees with him. We need to start recognizing theses “vaxx papers” are “segregation” documents and lead down a slippery slope. Talk to anyone who left a communist or totalitarian regime for the “freedom” of Canada and they will tell you we look much the same right now. This is like the frog in the pan heating up. Most of us have just woken up to how hot the water actually is.
Maybe go on and read the GoFundMe page before you start jumping to conclusions. This isn’t pro or anti vaxx.. its PRO FREEDOM, which means medical CHOICE! Have you ever read our Canadian Charter of Freedoms and Rights?! Sovereignty of our own bodies is one of them. The Government doesn’t have the right to choose for any individual! This is the most patriotic and Canadian thing out there! Canada, true North strong and FREE! Its in our name. Canadians are not scared of a cold/flu anymore. We are taking back whats rightfully ours… Freedom of CHOICE!
Comrade, thanks for your letter. It made me make a second donation to the truck convoy fund.
Absolutely wonderful letter. Very well written.
What is the law these days regarding threats to life or bodily harm?
Of course there name is withheld they are cowards. I hope that this protest isn’t just about the truckers and is about all mandates In Canada.
I’m fully vaccinated by choice and still fully support this movement. If you truly believe this is just about vaccinated vs. non vaccinated then you’ve completely missed the point and will never get it. our freedoms are being robbed from us daily whether you’re vaccinated or not and trying to say I’m vaccinated and turning on people that aren’t vaccinated and blaming them for a continuing pandemic is ridiculous. this has been going on for 2 years now and vaccines are readily available. People need to be able to take responsibility for their own health without being told they’re going to have their livelihood taken away from them, everything they’ve worked for taken away from them and not be able to go out in public with other people, not be allowed to watch their kids sporting events, because they choose not to get vaccinated.
We’re one step away from non vaccinated having to pin a badge to they’re jacket so everyone knows who they are. (“But nobodys forcing them to get it”) This should have happened sooner and I’m willing to sacrifice a little bit of my comfort if it means we can have our country back.
Cry Harder.
Well why doesn’t this person give their name, afraid of what. Look at all the comments of those that do support it.
This is a worthy cause. The above anonymous letter-writer fails to understand that the Truckers are standing up for all Canadians’ rights (vaccinated and unvaccinated). The writer calls it a “lunatic” cause.
I am not ashamed to post my name. If we cannot be courageous in the face of fear, then we are not courageous. Smearing causes like Freedom is wrong, and the above anonymous letter writer has done that shamefully. Go truckers go! And hopefully gofundme will release the funds (frozen today!) that so many of us have donated to help the truckers AND show our support. To freeze funds donated for the truckers is wrong, if it leaves Truckers without these donated funds for fuel, lodgings, food, and other expenses related to this protest. Trudeau needs to step up and stand up for ALL Canadians, not just for vaccinated Canadians. Life isn’t easy, and governing isn’t easy, but leaders should step aside if they choose to scapegoat a portion of the population as they have done instead of looking at the science. For example, don’t remain silent and turn a blind eye to Quebec’s plan to tax the unvaccinated, and don’t take away citizens’ constitutional rights including the right to travel. Don’t smear doctors and police officers and causes like the Truckers convoy that go against the narrative. I hope that the truth will prevail some day.
So just like your right to disagree with this gofundme everyone should have the right to disagree with vaccine mandates. How would you like your rights to disagree taken away
Name withheld,
Your definition of a worthy cause clearly doesn’t align with the majority if Canada, vaccinated or not people are standing behind this WORTHY cause while they all fight for OUR freedoms….yours included. You’re welcome.
Dear anonymous person,
Vaccinated and unvaccinated people can get infected and spread the virus.
Canadian hospitals are overwhelmed by fully vaccinated Covid patients.
Injuries from these so called vaccines are real and can be deadly.
Our Canadian heroes are fighting against medical tyranny.
You got your jabs, good for you.
Let others make personal medical decision without any coercion.
BTW , scientists need years to complete long term safety studies, so these jabs are still experimental!
Say no to medical fascism!
Go fund me has no business meddling in this peaceful demonstration
What a coward you are……we are being held hostage hostage a dictator of a PM who has separated and caused divide among our entire nation…..the people who are standing up to them are doing so for the well being of every single Canadian whether they want to wear blinders to the truth or not….Justin trudeau is a trader to Canada….this past week at the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab himself announced openly that their organization has successfully penetrated the cabinet of the current Prime minister and has even said they put Trudeau in his position to bring in their agenda….that is treasonous and not in the countries best interest !! This convoy is standing up against globalism and the take over of our country by these madmen and yes it is peaceful….stop trying to make up slanderous lies about a huge respectful outpouring of love for our country! Would you say the same thing about the men who died for our country in the world War???? Unbelievable that people like you hide behind their keyboards if your are so sure of what you see saying then post who you are and stand by your statements
I’m fully vaxxed and I support these truckers. The 90% that are fully vaccinated aren’t all for the vaccinations. Most of us were forced due to risk of loosing our jobs or freedoms. Freedom is supposed to be a right but this government is treating it as of we have to earn it. The truckers are peacefully protesting no different than when people stop trains or construction. The person who wrote this email should refrain from pretending like the 90% agree with these mandates. Some do and some don’t.
This isn’t about just getting vaccinated it is about them being forced to be vaccinated or lose their livelihoods. It seems You’ve missed the point on purpose. People are with them because they are telling this administration that they cannot just force you to do something under fear of poverty. And I am fully vaccinated. I am also going to assume that you are fine with other causes blocking highways such as the climate change movements and other political protests which shall remain nameless. You want this taken down because you disagree with it on a political level, that is all. And that is a gross statement from yourself who clearly doesn’t realise the importance of truck drivers in Canada and around the world. Have a good look at yourself
Even though 80% of the population is vaccinated, how many got the jab because they were coerced, bullied,blackmailed etc etc to keep their jobs under the threat of being fired and receiving no ei….or any help
Where are those percentage numbers ???
How many of the 80% would have chosen not be vaccinated if they actually had the freedom of choice and bodily autonomy have you asked yourself that yet ???
I thought racism was becoming a thing of the past until i saw how they changed the narrative to get us to turn against each other so easily and take our eyes off of whats really happening.
Not only are unvaxxed people for this convoy of freedom it looks like a good part of fully vaccinated are also backing up the truckers and the convoy of freedom.
I am greatful i read this article and most of the comments, it proves to me that in this fight for freedoms alot of vaccinated people are on the same side as the unvaxxed .
By the way ive been vaccinated for many things in my lifetime and just because i dont agree with the current vaccine mandate does not make me an ANTI-VAXXER stop with racist stereotypes.
Would you take offense to me saying anyone enforcing and coercing people to get the jab are basically Gestapo storm troopers ???
Dear name withheld, don’t be such a coward come out of the shadows and show the world that pathetic face. Stand for what you believe in or fail sitting. People like you are what’s wrong with the world, spineless cowards, you’d be the same neighbor to rat out to the nazis where your Jewish friends were hiding.
We shall just call you Karen then.
Based on many comments left the anonymous letter is showing they are right. Tamara Lich is in fact associated with the extremist group and maybe the truckers should of thought long and hard before aligning with her.
hey its called democracy you should read up about it 🙂 people are allowed to express themselves without being censored because of their opinion
Of course the author is anonymous. Coward. Anyone NOT supporting this Convoy is not CANADIAN. I suggest you move out of country. Clearly this isn’t the right home for you.
I am a fully vaccinated Canadian and I fully support this convoy as I had to get the shots or lose my job and let my family starve. I know very few people who got vaccinated because they actually wanted to.
I am afraid you are the minority name withheld, every vaccinated person I know including myself stands in support of dropping these mandates.
In response to “nameless’s” letter about the GoFundMe $$ for the Freedom Convoy 2022, the fund was set up to assist truckers with fuel costs. Period. They, and the thousands of Canadians in their personal vehicles joining along the way, have to GET TO OTTAWA 1st, to hold a peaceful protest, against our government for the restrictions of rights for ALL Canadians. It is evident in the massive support the convoy is receiving along the routes, in many ways, that a large nbr of Canadians are fed up, & are supporting in any way they can. The organizers have an MOU to present to Ottawa. They also have an accountant & lawyer to assist with the disbursements of funds with receipts for fuel. Just because what is happening doesn’t agree with your views, is NO REASON to claim they have ulterior & negative intentions. We all have choices & a right to peaceful protest. This is a VERY LARGE peaceful protest, heading to Ottawa on behalf of all Canadians, to restore our freedoms, stop government over reach and hope to get the last 2 years of craziness in our lives, returned to how we have always lived. As citizens with a right to choose. We all have that right. I don’t judge others for their choices, regarding the jabs, because for each of us it’s, our body, our choice. This Freedom Convoy is now THE VOICE of those who CHOOSE to participate. Best of health and freedoms to& for ALL us Canadians. ♥️☮️♥️
And I do not agree that preventing people from working and being able to feed and procure for themselves and their families, because they chose not to be experimented on with a vaccine that we know very little about, is a peaceful way to run the country.
Hate speeches against the not properly vaccinated cannot be considered peaceful. And by the way, even if 85% of Canadian as received two doses of vaccine, just like me, doesn’t mean in anyways that we agree with how the government runs things. And blaming the 10% that are not properly vaccinated is completely unjustified and definitely not a peaceful way to approach things.
Coward for not showing your name probably a government plant.
Good thing that the clown who wrote that was brave enough to stay anonymous.
LOL what a loser.
I was a bit surprised at the amount of hatred my “gofundme” letter to the editor generated. It is my personal opinion and one that is as valid as yours. I have a right to express it. As to why I kept my name secret (and it will likely stay that way): if it was only myself, I might have put my name out there but this is a very volatile issue and I care about the safety of my family. All you have to do is scroll through the comments to see that what you call cowardice is reasonable caution.
And while many of you lob “coward” at me, you are all pretty much as anonymous as me.. going by one name or even what sounds like a full name – all of which could be made up. So spare me the bravado.
I would be happy to “talk” with some of you about this here as long as the conversation remains civil. If not, the owners of this site will simply shut down the chat.
If you want to talk about the letter.. go ahead. You can call me Joe.
So let me get this straight. YOU have the right to express YOUR opinion but those who are part of the convoy do not? You want YOUR rights but don’t want those who don’t agree with you to have theirs. Typical liberal. And you probably don’t even see how hypocritical that is. I’m sure you are surprised by all the comments, you had no idea how large the group is that supports these truckers. Now you know.
There is a marked difference between writing a letter stating an opinion to ANYONE including GoFundMe or posting an opinion on Facebook or Twitter and rolling into the Ottawa core in large trucks and staying there for a week. The members of the CON-voy have a right to state their opinions, protest on foot like anyone else who protests. But they don’t have a right to organize an army to strong-arm a nation’s capital.
When this pathetic #mememe movement impedes my civil rights – I definitely have a beef with that. When my mom died in hospital because she missed the deadline for an operation, because of the disproportionate amount of unvaccinated people holding up our hospitals – I have a beef with that. I wish the unvaccinated would pull their heads out of whoever’s asses there up!! Sorry for the profound language, but I’m done with this covid..I wish others would start helping.
Not holding name back,
Congratulations Canadians! I too just donated to these ‘testosterone-driven’ terrorists! 🙂
If you want the vaccine get it if you don’t do not. It’s the people who want to force others to chose this one size fits all method of handling the pandemic that are the problem. For example “Name Withleld”
Hilarious they think because one CHOSE to vaccinate they agree with the nonsensical mandates. The purpose of sites like gofund me is to connect people to causes they believe in not to choose what is right or wrong. Go put your time into your own cause. Also I bet you supported all the protests for blm holding america hostage blocking roads and such yet you think people you don’t agree with don’t have the same right? Get over yourself
I fully support it and will donate in your anonymous name. I’m fully vaccinated, as were most of the people there, as is the leader of the protest, so your voice doesn’t represent all of Canada either, but I respect your view points on it and I’m happy to have both sides of the conversation. Thanks!
Bullies always like to “remain anonymous”
these are trudeau’s words. if the reader was canadian they would know by the steaming piles of bs. its a shame that gofundme is ignorant enough to be conned in this manner. the “fringe minority” that is continually being touted by a man who had roughly 22% of the popular vote. stop aiding and abedding this treasonous criminal dictator by defunding freedom.
I have already notified GoFundMe that I will never, ever support one of their campaigns again. The author of this letter above explained my reasons why perfectly. There is no need to repeat what has already been said.
Freedom is a right that every single Canadian has as is the freedom of speech. I absolutely support the Trucker Convoy. I have noticed everyone on these comments if you are in favour of the Convoy your comments are being removed. I also think the person with name withheld is probably the IDIOT himself or someone from his cabinet. Even the Ottawa Police say it’s a civil protest and not creating any fighting and Vandalism. The only person saying these lies is Justin Trudeau!
So if we all followed his agenda all would be okay. I say Freedom is best for all Canadians. END ALL MANDATES NOW.
No comments are being removed unless they are directing to a site asking for money by donations or sales.
Go fund yourself!
To Name Withheld,,,first of all you should not even be allowed to comment on the Freedoom Rally if you cant even name yourself! This Freedoom Rally is for Mr. Trudeau to stop these shutdowns and mandates which has accomplished nothing in the past 2 years. If you can deny that then I wish you would tell us how our lives and businesses have profited from masks and lockdowns….90percent of the population are VACCINATED….when does it stop????? We want NO more lockdowns,,,no more mandates forcing us to wear masks and getting the vaccine!!!!!!
Hi live my life the government went to far freezing truckers money they should not have done, just imagine a real disasters comes government ask for help finding people saying frozen truckers money did all there work keeping goods and food on our shelves I not helping you what had done, time give them people money there funds drop these mandates wouldn’t be this protest in first place.
Dear gofunme do you let the government intrude who the funds goto shouldn’t let them tell you it a free right get funds help people who did use the site it’s a shame these truckers lost there homes and jobs and it meant for them to help and the needy and our homeless people works and ended on streets just remember you made your bed people forget what you done thank those who sent money should not be told to give a trucker it’s a free world what cause you give too