This column is proudly sponsored by: The Purple Broomstick – “Cornwall’s authentic witch store with the best prices in town”, Located at 235 Guy Street in Cornwall, ON
This April 17, 2022, Christians will celebrate Easter and we pagans will be celebrating the Sabbat of Ostara. Bede (born 673 C.E.) a Christian monk and historian wrote about the Goddess Eostre (meaning East, Goddess of Fertility, Renewal, Rebirth, Dawn and Light, also, the root of word Estrogen) The Sun is gaining in strength, light and the natural world is waking up. The promise of Imbolc is made real. It is a time of hope. Spring is here!
Symbols of the Goddess Ostara
In Celtic tradition the HARE (a moon symbol) is her symbol. Easter is determined by moon phase. Hares can conceive while still pregnant so what better symbol for fertility? Celts had taboos about which months they could hunt hares.
The promise of new life and potential was seen in EGGS (The Cosmic Egg) and SEEDS. The Celtic Cross is seen in HOT CROSS BUNS (balance, 2 equinoxes, the 4 directions, cycle of the year and life,) SPRING FLOWERS give us colour.
Activity #1:
To bring abundance to your home this year bury a raw egg near your front door or in your garden and say, “Little charm made of shell, yellow yoke and white albumen, as I bury you here may all be well in my house. May all things grow. May all things flow. Blessings for the turning of the Wheel.”As you do this think of all the good things that are coming to you and give thanks for them.
Activity #2 (for gardeners) Ask the Fairies To Bless Your Garden
As you are preparing your garden find an out of the way place and make a circle in the ground with candies (Skittles or M & M’s etc.) On the inside of the circle make another circle of tobacco or small pieces of bay leaves. Ask the faeries to come and help your garden grow. Once in a while add some milk to the circle and thank the faeries for their help. You will have the best garden you have ever had.
The Queen of Pentacles in the Ryder Waite Smith Deck is the Goddess Eostre. Can you see the bunny in the bottom right of the card? Other symbols are; pentacle, flowers, fruits, rose garden, goat, colours: red, white, green. This card asks, “What do I need?” This queen has mastery over: money, talents, health. You are well on your way. Discover the wonder in everyday things. She signifies a power within you that can carry you to the highest levels of experience and performance.
Happy Ostara everyone.
May Brighid’s Mantle enfold you and keep you warm.
Blessed be! Until next time.
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