Join Bill and Jenni MacDonald as we uncover 21 reasons why we love South Glengarry and share one reason each week. These reasons are based on our personal experiences and are in no particular order. South Glengarry has so much to offer, and we often don’t take the time to appreciate what’s available right in our backyard. From the St. Lawrence River to Valleyview Road and from Boundary Road to the Quebec border, South Glengarry is brimming with attractions and activities.
Reason #1: Raisin River Canoe Race
2023 marks the 50th anniversary of this thrilling event! “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night” will interfere with the running of the annual Raisin River Canoe Race. However, a worldwide pandemic did cause the race to be cancelled in 2020 and 2021. Taking place on April 15, 2023, when water levels are high, the route starts in St. Andrew’s West and ends in Williamstown. The race covers 30 km of the icy waters of the Raisin River, a portage, running the rapids, with around 160 courageous participants.
If you’d like to participate in one of Eastern Ontario’s longest canoe races, you can register up until 9 am on the race day. Choose from 13 different classes based on age, skill level, and boat size. If you prefer to be a spectator, line the river and cheer on the competitors!
For more information about the race and how to register, please visit the Raisin Region Conservation Authority website.
To discover more amazing things happening in South Glengarry, check out these local websites:
- www,
We’d love to hear from you about why you love calling South Glengarry “Home.” Thank you for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you.
If you’re interested in relocating to South Glengarry, we would be happy to look at your real estate needs and mortgage options with you.
Jenni MacDonald
Mortgage Broker – Dominion Lending Centres – The Mortgage Source
Welcome – Jenni MacDonald Dominion Lending Centres
[email protected]
Bill MacDonald
Real Estate Broker/Partner Century21 Shield Realty
[email protected]