People for thousands of years in the Northern hemisphere have celebrated the longest day of the year. The celebration of Yule (pronounced Yool and is of Nordic Tradition) is probably the oldest celebration that has been going on since man first looked to the skies. Before science and an understanding that the earth has a cycle there was always a fear the light would not come back. The ritual performed celebrated the sun’s “rebirth” and the hope that the days would lengthen. In most traditions, Yule is celebrated as the rebirth of the Great God, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. Other names for Yule are: Christmas, Winter Solstice, Midwinter, Alban Arthuan (Druid) or Saturnalia (ancient Roman.) Yule is a fire festival, and it reminds us to have patience—the waning half of the year is over, and warmth, growth, and light will reign again! Here are some new and old ways to celebrate Yule. If you have a yule log or an evergreen wreath, you are honouring the change of seasons as well as asking for protection and prosperity. Making an altar honours the sun if you put a candle on it. You can cleanse the altar and your home with mugwort, pine or cedar. A Yule Tree is living so it is outside and decorated with candles and decorations to represent the sun, moon and stars as well as tokens from your ancestors. Yule gifts are traditionally from nature: give a small handmade wreath, beautiful crystals, a plant-based candle, or even seeds. Take some time and go outside and walk giving seeds to birds or helping feral cats. Light candles often to help bring back the light. Set up a meditation space to reflect on the past year and give gratitude for it as well as meditate on the coming year as to how you will develop inner growth and peace.
FYI: On December 11, 2023 at 6:15 I will be presenting a talk on Raising Your Vibration. If interested, please come. The class is free and you need not register. These talks will continue into the coming year.
If you are interested in joining a group of like-minded individuals, who will be studying magick monthly starting in January let me know by email: [email protected]
To you and yours: May Brighid’s mantle enfold you and keep you warm. Happy Yule.

Tarot – 10 of Pentacles
This 10 of Pentacles is taken from a tarot deck created by Robin Wood. The Ten of Pentacles is a positive sign that you have reached a point of completion and accomplishment in your life journey. You have abundance through your hard work and dedication and can now relish sharing this wealth with others. This is one of those cards that promise everything will eventually come together and you will be proud of everything you achieved. You will always have what you need and desire. You express sincere gratitude for fulfilling your material goals and dreams.
The Ten of Pentacles indicates that you feel compelled to share your success with others to make sure they are well cared for, too. Family is very important to you. It represents tradition, being a part of something bigger and realizing that the blood of your ancestors flows through your veins.
To you and yours: May Brighid’s mantle enfold you and keep you warm. Happy Yule.