At this week’s City Council meeting, Councilor F Ngoundjo said that it would be like “a dream come true,” to the approving nods of the rest of our elected officials around the Council table, that if the City received $10 million from the province to upgrade the Benson Centre theme park’s lands to the estimate tune of $20 million.
What part of the universe does Cornwall Council occupy?
Cornwall has a desperate need for affordable housing, and a homeless crisis, both items of which should be priorities, But wait, no, sport’s facilities that the City will be on the hook directly for $5.75 million to be supplemented by a stunning fundraising/sponsorship campaign of $4,25 million from the community are obviously more important. We all know that $20 million will rise dramatically once spades are in the ground. We all know that if the fundraising campaign falls short that ratepayers will pay the difference and we all know that we will be on the hook for the greatly increased maintenance cost of these new facilities provided by the $10 million gift, which is not a gift at all, but a cost. Don’t Councilor’s see that? Wouldn’t Cornwall’s citizens be better served to sdee Council spend the $5.75 plus on urgently needed humanitarian projects? Does Council even care or listen to what the public wants? I doubt it, as at the same meeting Councilor Hollingsworth, got up once again to float the idea that the Joe St. Denis Field, a valuable green space and yes tired, but used park should be given over to housing. Doesn’t he or anyone else on Council remember the 2023 petition and presentation to Council by ratepayers against this development? Housing is needed, but why here, when there is so much empty space in Cornwall?
Do Councilor’s only care about the opinions and money of the voting, tax paying public when they want their votes?
Do Councilor’s not understand that we need affordable housing, not an enhanced sports theme park to fulfill our dreams?
Do Councilor’s not understand that $10 million from the province is not a gift, but an expense in excess of $10 million to the local community, no matter how it is raised?
Do not Councilor’s understand that if the theme park is built it puts the taxpayer on the hook for increased operational costs and taxes?
Don’t Councillor’s understand the importance of passive green space in the middle of one of the City’s historically residential areas?
If you the reader agree with me, let Council know your thoughts, maybe, just maybe, someone will listen.
Ian Bowering,
Dear Ian Bowering, Please tell us what email we can use to write to tell them that yes, we agree with all you’re saying?
Good morning Phyllis and thank you for your reply. You can find the email’s of all of City Council by going onto the the City’s webpage and then the link to Council, the contacts for each member of Council is provided there.