Happy January! I Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a good start to the New Year!
This month, we have 2 great questions.
1. “My Hydrangea tree is leaning over, help!”
To address the issue of a leaning tree, it’s important to assess the underlying causes. The leaning may be due to wind, loose soil, or root problems.
Here’s what you’ll need: a sturdy stake, soft tree ties or fabric straps, and a mallet or hammer.
Avoid using wire directly on the tree, as it can cause damage. Gently dig around the base to loosen the soil and expose the roots, especially on the side opposite the lean. This will make it easier to adjust the tree.
Carefully pull the tree upright, ensuring you don’t snap or stress the trunk. If the tree is larger, have someone assist you.
Next, drive the sturdy stake into the ground a few feet away from the tree, on the side opposite the lean. Secure the tree to the stake using the soft ties or straps, making sure there is enough room for movement to prevent girdling.
Afterwards, refill the loosened soil around the roots, pressing it down firmly to stabilize the tree. Water generously to help settle the soil. Leave the stake in place for 6 to 12 months, checking regularly to ensure the ties aren’t too tight and that the tree is growing upright. Remove the stake once the tree has established itself.
By following these steps, your small tree should grow straight and tall in no time!
2. “When do you trim a Holly bush?”
If you have a lovely holly bush in your garden, you might be wondering when and how to give it a trim. Pruning is an important part of keeping your holly healthy and looking its best.
The best time to prune holly shrubs is in late winter or early spring, right before new growth starts to appear. This timing helps minimize stress on the plant and encourages vibrant, healthy growth as spring unfolds.
Before you grab your pruning shears, remember to take a good look at your holly bush. First things first, you’ll want to tackle any dead, damaged, or diseased branches. These should be cut back to the main stem or to any healthy wood you see. It’s a great way to help your shrub stay strong and vibrant!
While it’s tempting to give your holly a major makeover, avoid removing more than one-third of the shrub in a single season. Over-pruning can weaken your plant and stunt its growth, which is the opposite of what we want! A little care goes a long way.
Good air circulation and light will promote healthy growth, so don’t shy away from thinning out crowded areas. This will help your holly bush breathe easier and thrive. As you shape your shrub, remember to keep its natural form in mind. If you’re working on formal hedges, using a string line can help you achieve that lovely straight edge.
If you have any gardening questions, send them to me at [email protected] with the subject line “Ask Anna,” and I’ll answer them in next month’s issue.
Stop by Harvest at 2405 Vincent Massey Drive and also at 75 Cornwall Centre Road to pick up your copy of The Seeker each month.