Looking for a job or considering a career change? The Cornwall and Area Job Fair, hosted by the Social Development Council of SDGCA’s Employability Network, is back for 2025. Job seekers are invited to attend this free event on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025, at the Cornwall Civic Complex in Salons A, B, and C. The fair will run in two sessions, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and again from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, providing flexibility for attendees to meet with local employers who are actively hiring.
The Cornwall and Area Job Fair is an incredible opportunity for job seekers to connect directly with employers who are actively hiring. Whether you’re looking for your first job, a career change, or a fresh start, this event brings together the resources and opportunities needed to take the next step,” says Carilyne Hébert, Executive Director of the Social Development Council of SDGCA.
This job fair is open to job seekers of all ages and experience levels, Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with a wide range of employers from the region, explore career opportunities in various industries, and connect with employment and training service providers that can assist with resume writing, upskilling, interview preparation, and job searching. To ensure accessibility, free transportation will be available from locations across Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne. Cornwall Transit will also be free for all those traveling to the Job Fair.
Building on last year’s success, language support will again be offered. Over a dozen volunteers will be able to help job seekers communicate with employers in Arabic, French, Spanish, Creole, Swahili and more!
No registration is required for job seekers, just bring your resume and enthusiasm. For more information and how to register for free transportation visit sdccornwall.ca/2025jobfair.
This event is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors: Cornwall Economic Development, WCG Employment Ontario for Ottawa & the Eastern Collaborative, Eastern Ontario Training Board, Newcomer Employment & Welcome Services, The United Counties of SDG, Drake International, St. Lawrence College Student Union, Job Zone d’emploi, and Glengarry Interagency Group.