When you start to date someone, your daily routines will quickly reveal whether or not you will be compatible with each other. If you have been single for a while and are very set in your routines, it is something to consider when you start thinking about dating goals. Things like being a night owl or going to the gym several times a week are important when you start to share a life with someone else. Read below to see what different daily routines reveal about your dating goals.
Morning Routine
Early risers who start their days by making breakfast, meditating, or exercising are more likely to be drawn to partners who do the same. If one person likes to wake up early while the other one prefers to sleep in, this may cause issues down the line, especially if you are busy and want to make time to hang out together. People who wake up early are more likely to have a disciplined routine, so they will seek a partner who is just as motivated to get up and start the day. Late risers may look for someone who is more relaxed and content to spend a Saturday morning in bed snuggling.
Social Activities
Having a social life is a big part of being young and staying connected with friends. Meeting new people through social activities is a great way to find a potential partner or eye a crush. If you are unsure how to flirt with your crush on a night out, just start by asking them what they like to do in their free time apart from the activities you have already participated in together. From there conversation will flow and you will discover if you have similar social lives and dating goals.
Work Routine
Everyone has different work hours, so your daily work routine is a big factor in who you may choose to date. For example, a person who works a nine-to-five every day may have trouble finding the time to date someone who only works night shifts. Although it would likely be a great setup for a couple once they have children, it is hard to get to know someone and build a deeper bond if you can never find time to hang out.
Leisure Time
Some people prefer to stay in and watch movies in their free time while others prefer to go out and hike or do other physical activities. Finding someone who matches your leisure time energy is important, but branching out and trying the activities of a partner is also a good way to bond and grow. If you set a dating goal of being more adventurous, try leaning into new activities, and if your goal is to find someone to chill you out, embrace the luxury of lounging on the sofa some weekends.
Many people do not think about their daily routine until they analyze how it could affect their life with a partner. Although you should never totally change your routine for another person, sometimes compromise and change is good for relationship growth.