Imagine a world where disease is eradicated, where poverty no longer exists, where children never go hungry… A world where human beings help out one another in time of need and lift up each other. A community tightly knit, ready to support its citizens.
Of course, the idea of such a place may seem farfetched, but once in a while, somebody special comes along and gives you a glimpse of what it would be like.
A couple of weeks ago, we featured a little girl and her family. Eleanor, “Epic E”, is one of only 250 worldwide who has been diagnosed with mesenchymal hamartoma. This rare form of invasive tumour is growing rapidly in little E’s belly and needs to be removed. E already has had one operation, but the tumour has grown back.
Touched by Epic E’s story, our very own Sylvie Thibert decided to hold a fundraiser at her store, the Health Nut shop, 2 Saturdays in a row. The community really pulled together and Sylvie collected over $2,000.
After reading the story in the Seeker, Mary-Rose, our newest Seeker Chick and new and improved sales rep, also got inspired. She pledged some of her own money and took the initiative to spearhead a fundraiser in collaboration with the Centre Culturel de Cornwall. This will take place on July 30 at the Cornwall Square in the form of a silent auction and donation station.
We are asking the community to once again show support and give generously. If you are a small business owner, donate a new item. If you are an individual, we will accept gently used items or monetary donations. For this event to be successful, we need donations to come in, and come in quickly. If you can give something, anything, please contact us at your earliest convenience at 613-935-3763 ext 1.
It may not seem like much, but to this one family, help means everything. It means that they can be with their daughter in Toronto as she is awaiting surgery. It means that they do not need to worry about their bills not getting paid while their life is placed on hold. It means that family members cans stay in touch or visit while separated. It means they can breathe easier.
Together, we can make a difference in their lives. We may not change the entire world all at once, but one person at a time, we will change the whole world.