Cornwall Ontario — Lori Greer, executive director of the local United Way, wished volunteers a Happy Giving Tuesday.
“We are lucky to have amazing volunteers such as Nolan M. Quinn and Justin Watkins braving the cold to help give cookies to passersby during lunch time today! Thanks to Riley’s Bakery, Cornwall Ontario for the delicious cookies, and to the good friend who paid for the cookies, thank you. Happy Giving Tuesday United Way of S D &G,” said Lori Greer.
The Giving Tuesday movement encourages individuals and organizations to join together and find innovative ways to give back to the charities and causes they support.
“It was awesome to give back for Giving Tuesday. We thanked our volunteers and hopefully brightened people’s day a bit. Our community is so generous. It was our way to give back and say thank you,” said Greer.
The next event for the United Way of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry is a Stake A Thon at the Cornwall Civic Complex. This cool fundraiser takes place Saturday December 6th from 9 am to 11 am.
Participants can enjoy skating, hot chocolate, treats, music and a visit from Santa Claus!
Skaters are invited to raise pledges.