CORNWALL – All youngsters come away winners during the Cornwall Multisport Club Kids’ Day.
From tiny tykes ages 6 and under, through to 16-year-olds, this year’s popular event will be held Saturday, July 4 at Lamoureux Park and is free to everyone in the community.
“We really want to encourage parents to bring their youngsters down to the park for it,” encouraged Kathleen Hay, race director. “The event is meant to encourage kids’ to become physically active, but it also promotes important qualities like good sportsmanship and fair play.
“Plus, it’s tons of fun, too!”
The CMC club has organized the event for several years, and members eagerly look forward to it every summer. It is a kid-friendly morning that is specifically designed to encourage participation in a positive, non-competitive atmosphere geared towards all levels of physical ability.
“For instance, not only do we have awards for each age group, but every participant who crosses the finish line receives a finishers’ medal,” she added. “They take such pride in this, it’s a real sense of accomplishment for them, and they’ll end up wearing it the whole day.
“It’s great to see them running across the finish line with big smiles on their faces.”
In addition, club members also volunteer as pace bunnies for the events. This ensures that no participant is left behind on the course, and that there’s someone there to see they get over the finish. Kids’ of all levels of physical fitness are encouraged to register and no special equipment is required except a pair of running shoes.
“You see the pacer run up with the kids, then step back as the kids would cross the finish on their own. It’s a very positive thing for participants.”
Registration takes place from 10 – 10:20 a.m. at the bandshell. It will take place rain or shine. Those interested may also sign-up in advance by visiting
The race routes are all in Lamoureux Park and around the bandshell area. Distances vary from 700 metres (6 and under), 1.25 km (7-9), 2.5 km (10-12) to 3.75 km (13 +). It is very important to remember, however, that any child is welcome to run a shorter distance if they prefer: participation and fun are the names of this game.
Events for ages 6 and under begin at 10:30 a.m., with all other age groups as listed to follow. The awards ceremony will be held immediately after the final participant crosses the finish line.
Light snacks will be provided for the participants, and their supporters are welcome to pack a picnic to enjoy while cheering them on. The awards ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m.
On average, 80 youth register for the event, but there’s no cap on it. The non-competitive atmosphere still has an official air which makes it especially fun for them.
“Each participant has their own race bib, it’s on a marked course, we have race marshals and pacers, plus they receive a finishers’ medal. It’s such a positive event for them, even if they’ve never run before. It’s a great day,” Hay enthused.