Cornwall’s St. Lawrence College Green Team, in partnership with Lafléche Environmental Inc. and
Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES), is hosting an e-waste drive to divert electronic waste from landfill and to foster recycling of global natural resources. Funds raised will be used to initiate revitalization projects that encourage sustainability on the Cornwall campus. According to an April 2015 report authored by United Nations University, the United Nations think tank, the volume of global end-of-life electronic, electrical equipment totaled 41.8 million metric tonnes (Mt) in2014, and the volume of e-waste is expected to rise by 21% to 50 million Mt in 2018. Less than one-sixth of the 2014 total e-waste is thought to have been diverted to proper recycling and reuse.
St. Lawrence College’s Green Team invites the public to participate in the 2nd annual Electronic Waste Drive launch event. The event will be held Wednesday, March 2nd at 10:00 am in the front foyer of Aultsville Hall. As part of our launch event, Green Team is asking attendees to bring a donation of electronic waste to be recycled. The first 20 people who bring a donation will receive a small gift bag. Refreshments will be provided by Browns food services. Green Team will be accepting e-waste donations until Friday, April 1, 2016.
For further information, like the Green Team St. Lawrence College (Cornwall Campus) on Facebook, or email