Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Sorry about not writing last week’s column as I was kind of stuck in Ottawa longer than I had arranged and had anticipated. I did have a most wonderful visit with my youngest son, Marcus and his girlfriend, Kelsey over the long weekend at their home in downtown Ottawa. We enjoyed a lot of good tasting food and drinks, we played some beautiful music together, (Marcus on his guitar and me on my Kalimba, a hand-made, wooden musical instrument.) I even got to paint for the very first time in my life. Kelsey had everything ready for us to paint, so I suggested that we paint by the Ottawa River (a 10 minute walk from their home.) The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing sweetly and the wind was blowing through our hair. What a glorious day we spent painting a scene of the Ottawa River with a bridge in the distance. I felt really good that I accomplished my first painting, EVER!!! This is yet another FIRST in the Life of Marlene. Another thing that I will be ticking off of my “To Do List”!!! Thank you ever so kindly Marcus and Kelsey for having me at your lovely home. I look forward to the next time we can be and get together.
What is Calling To You??? What is the deepest, most truest message that is calling to you? Get yourselves to a quiet place to be very still to be able to hear it. Do everything and anything it takes to really Listen, Hear It & Absorb It. We ALL have something calling to us that ONLY WE CAN DO!!! We have the same set of skills, we have lived through the same circumstances, we have met the same people and we have lived in the same places at the same time, to be where we are, today. So What Is It??? Don’t Let Your Music Go Unsung or Unwritten. Don’t Let Your Stories or Poems Go Untold. Don’t Let Your Mission Go Undone. Don’t Let Your Love Go Ungiven or Unreturned. Don’t Hide Your Talents. Find what is Calling to You and Go for it. You have a purpose in your life that only you can fill. You are Phenomenal, Beautiful/Handsome & Radiant. Your Talents are Unique, Compelling and Much Needed By The Rest Of This World. Be Sure To Find Out What Your Calling Is… GO OUT & Follow Your DREAMS … Even, If, They Are WILD & CRAZY!!!
Tip of the Week: This is harder than you may think!!! Every answer you make must start with the first letter of your first name!!! It is just that kind of day…BEING FRIDAY… TO PLAY & HAVE FUUUUUUUUN!!! 1. First name. 2. An animal. 3. A boys name. 4. A girls name. 5. An occupation. 6. A color. 7. Something you wear. 8. A drink. 9. A type of food. 10. Something found in the bathroom. 11. A place. 12. A reason to be late. 13. Something you shout out. NOW, WASN’T THAT FUN!!! Please copy this and have some FUN with your Family & Friends. Life Is Waaay Too BORING & DULL, NOT TO!!!
I want to bring to your Attention something that is very important to read and to be aware of… Whenever you are purchasing something online>>> BEWARE of certain terms.. as there is a HUGE difference between “FREE TRIAL” and “FREE SAMPLE”. A free ‘SAMPLE’ is just that, you are paying shipping, but the product is a free sample. It is yours for the cost of shipping. Now here is where some vendors get sneaky. They offer a free ‘TRIAL’ where you just pay shipping, no gimmicks, product is guaranteed, etc. But somewhere on their website sits some fine print that says if you don’t contact them to cancel your ‘subscription’, they will charge your credit card, again and again until you cancel. John and I ordered a free product where we only paid shipping, only to have the credit card charged TWICE. We were not madeaware of their cancellation policy, or the fact that we had become ”signed up” to a subscription plan. Their website was extremely misleading, and our credit card provider would not help us, as we didn’t cancel in time, even though we explained we were unaware of anything to cancel, as we were only paying shipping on a free sample. But it wasn’t worded, ”Sample”, it was worded free ”Trial” which gives the vendor all kinds of rights to charge your credit card. So, I just wanted to pass on this information in the hopes that it may help someone else avoid unnecessary credit card charges. Happy Online Shopping Everyone!!!
Item of the Week: I chose something that wasn’t cheap but rather unique. It is an antique gold-plated. Abalone and Mother of Pearl cigarette case/business card holder that John and I purchased from a vendor of Antique items called ~Patrick’s~ at the ~Mchaffie’s Flea Market~ on Hwy 31. Steve, the owner, always has something cool or funny to say and he is always open to make a deal. This Flea market is only opened from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon with some family and or friends.
Family News: My second eldest son, Luke turned 27 on Thursday, June the 2nd. I am very proud of the young man you have become my dear son. He has come along way in the past few years and works very hard for his family at a roof truss company, near Metcalfe, Ontario. Luke has a beautiful wife, Tonya along with a 2 year old son, Odin and a 9 month old daughter, Ruby. I hope that you will enjoy your “Birthday Festivities” with the family tonight, Luke. All the very Best in Wealth & Health & Happiness in the upcoming year. Happy 27th Birthday Dear Luke & Many More!!!
Until Next Week: F- E- A- R Has Two Meanings… FORGET Everything and RUN… OR FACE Everything and RISE!!! Face ANYthing & EVERYthing Because LIFE is Waaaay Too Short To DO ANYthing but… So LOVE Every Minute & LIVE in Every Moment, LAUGH a Whole LOT & LIVE YOUR LIVES To The FULLEST EVERYBODY!!! LIVE RIGHT NOW … WHILST YOU ARE LIVING!!!
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.cornwallweddingphotos.ca & www.photodreams.ca