The City of Cornwall would like to thank residents for their patience and cooperation during the ongoing cleanup efforts for the storm.
According to weather monitoring equipment at our Water Purification Plant, 25 centimetres of snow had fallen as of 8 am this morning.
Municipal Works
As of this morning, all streets have been cleared. Crews are now placing salt and mix on all streets. The cleanup will continue throughout the day and night. Cornwall has over 275 kilometres of roads and 175 kilometres of sidewalks to care for, so digging out after a storm of this magnitude is a huge task. Residents who wish to report an area of concern can contact Municipal Works at (613) 932-5354.
Reminder – Overnight Winter Parking restrictions
Residents are reminded that overnight winter parking restrictions are in effect tonight to assist with snow clearing efforts. Parking on any roadway is not permitted between the hours of 1 am – 7 am. The City thanks all residents for their cooperation.
Reminder – Garbage collection
Garbage collection is continuing on schedule. Residents are reminded not to place garbage bags or blue box materials on top of snow banks. During winter weather conditions, it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to expose & loosen garbage covered by snow or blocked by snow removal equipment. Residents who wish to report a missed collection are asked to call (613) 937-1777.
Cornwall Transit
Cornwall Transit is operating as per usual although passengers should expect minor delays on account of the weather. For specific concerns, please contact Transit at (613) 930-2636.
Emergency services
Paramedics reported no injuries in collisions last night, with some extended responses due to conditions. The service experienced low call volume.
The Aquatic Centre, Benson Centre and Cornwall Public Library are all open for regular programming.