It seems a cruel joke that resolutions comes at the same time of year as the winter blues. Humans instinctively gravitate toward warm, rich, comforting food during winter which is why diet changes without the right supports is destined for failure. You can’t substitute poutine and potato chips with carrot sticks and salads; you need to honour your primal yearning for comfort by adding hygge to your winter resolutions.
Hygge is the Scandinavian practice of creating an atmosphere of togetherness and comfort. Soft lighting on dark nights, warm, rich food like meatballs and stews, creating the perfect reading nook, socializing with others and even getting outdoors with others to enjoy winter activities is likely why Denmark is rated one of the happiest nations in the world despite their long winters.
Instead of defaulting to comfort foods bring hygge to your life and table.
- Create a Comforting Atmosphere – Light candles, play relaxing music, create a cozy nook, light a fire or buy an electric fireplace, invite friends to share a meal. Don’t hibernate! Get outside!
- Eat Healthy Comfort Foods – Your body wants warming foods that are high in healthy fats during the winter. Salad won’t cut it. Baked salmon, stews, meatballs with roasted root veggies topped with butter both satisfies the body and derails any cravings for commercial comfort foods.
Creating new comforts requires practice. Due to advertising and habit you have default comfort foods, but these pathways in your brain can be changed–with time and effort. You can re-train your brain to be open to other comforts, each time you crave one of your old default foods but instead make a healthier choice. Whether it is a roast with a rich sauce or a non-food related experience like sitting by a fire, new pathways become stronger the more you practise these choices. As these pathways are etched–your food choices become increasingly effortless.
To learn more about eating psychology & weight-loss, contact me for a free 20 minute body breakthrough session. True Roots Brain & Body Solutions Phone:613-330-9254