Hello There and Welcome to SPRING everyone of you that is reading the ever so popular and positive filled paper, ~ The Seeker~ this week. Tis the season that is so longed for…Especially for we Canadians. As the last of the snow melts away by the SPRING rain and then moves elsewhere, it allows the warm and life-giving rays of the SPRING SUN to shine forth upon the earth. It gladly brings forth the sleepy buds on the bounty of trees and bushes. The sun bellows to the first SPRING flowers to poke their noses up through the dark, wet soil to bloom again for yet another New Season of SPRING. The ever familiar sight of the V formations of the Canadian Geese returning from their Winter vacation from down South makes us, Canadians smile with glee
Cherry and Apple blossoms are a part of SPRING here in Canada and in many parts of the world. For the Japanese the first opening of the Cherry blossom, (Japanís National flower) in March or April signals the start of their SPRING. They are a symbol of Renewal and the ever so Magical Nature of Life. One day we see the beautiful blossoms and then it seems.. in a Blink of an eye.. They are gone.. Until Next Year. May all of us be thankful and really appreciative of all of Mother Nature’s Miracles in our daily journeys, even when everything is not as we always want it to be. Make New Plans… Change the “Old ways” of doing things, Discover New Hobbies and Make New Friends in each NEW season. Every Moment Is Truly A Gift To Us. This is the time of year where everything in Nature is starting ANEW! How About You, You & Yes, Even You???
Tip of the Week: THE *MAGIC* OF HUGS: The average length of a HUG between two people is around 3 seconds. Researchers have learned that something really fantastic happens when we HUG. When a HUG lasts up to 20 seconds or more, there is a “Therapeutic Effect” on our bodies and on our minds. The reasoning for this they say is that a sincere embrace can produce a hormone called “Oxytocin”, which is also known as the “Love Hormone”. This has many benefits in our physical and in our mental health. HUGGING can help us with these two things along with helping with being able to relax, or to feel safe, and it can even calm our fears and our anxiety levels. This wonderful and natural tranquilizer is “Free of Charge” every time we have a baby cradled in our arms, or when we hold our furr-babies, or even when we are dancing with a partner, or simply by HUGGING the shoulders of dear family members and our loving friends. EMBRACE, HUG OR SQUEEZE The Health into Your Loved Ones!!! They Will Thank You As Much As You Can Thank Them… By HUGGING Some More!!!
Item of the Week: A few weeks ago I bought myself a beautiful pair of red and black suede boots off of a selling group on Facebook for a GREAT PRICE!!! The lady wanted $30.00 for them as they were Brand NEW. I BOLDly asked if she would take $20.00 for them. The daughter who was selling them said her Mom, Sue Laponsee, wouldn’t accept that amount. I then offered her $25.00 and she took my offer. I had my Johnny go fetch them for me (A Valentine’s gift) The BOOTS fit me like a glove (but more like a sock on a foot..Teeheehee) and were sooo nice and comfortable to boot. Now, When? and Where could I wear these beautiful looking booties? I put together a Fabulous outfit to go dance the night away at ~The Glengarrian~ with some of my dear friends. They (The Boots) were certainly noticed by many a glancing and roving eye that night. Even, the ever so watchful eyes of the previous owner, Sue was looking at my feet that night. We eventually met outside… We chitted & chatted, and laughed & laughed at the odds of us meeting that night with me wearing HER BOOTS!!! She was faking that she was mad at me.. She told me that she was truly mad and a bit sad that when they arrived in the mail they were the wrong size. Socks To Be Her! *Wink* *Wink* I Love When Happenstances Like This Occur to Me!!!
FUN FACTS: Did you know that SPRING was called “Lent” in Old English times? It started in the 14th centuary (1500’s) that at this particular time of year they referred to it as ìSpringing Time.” This is because the various plants were ìSpringingî forth from the earth. In the 15th centuary (1600’s) this got shortened to ” Spring-Time” and then it was further shortened in the 16th centuary (1700’s) to just “Spring”! Some of the very first Spring flowers that show their faces are the well known Crocuses, the Dandelions, the different colours of lovely Lilacs, the yellow and white Daffodils (my fav.), and of course the precious Iris and the multi- coloured Tulips that are such a delight to behold at the ~Tulip Festival~ held In Ottawa, Ontario each year in the Spring.
What Would You Choose? Would you rather sit naked in a room full of your family members? OR Would you choose to sit naked with people you didn’t know at all? It’s Your Choice! Ask Others? Please Keep The “Art Of Conversation”, Alive!!! TALK, DON’T TEXT!!!
Family News: I would like to wish my loving family members a “Happy Birthday” this month. There are a few…so here it goes… My dear, wee William, who isn’t so wee any longer is turning SIX on April 10th. Along with his eldest brother, Lincoln who turns TWENTY on the 20th… followed by his Aunt Ella Rose who will be 35 on the 24th. Then Lincoln’s mother, Melinda, (my eldest) turns 38 this year on the 28th. This also is the “Due date” of “Baby S” (Ella Rose’s & Steven Slack’s son- to- be.) I am very excited along with Steven’s mother, Judy, as this is her very FIRST GRANDCHILD!!! This will be my NINTH!!! WOW!!! SEVEN Grandsons + TWO Granddaughters. I HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED WITH HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL & HANDSOME CHILDREN & GRANDCHILDREN!!!
Community News: TUNE IN to DCN at www.dunet.ca the DUNET INTERNET RADIO STATION for ~ THE COUCH~ programme this Sunday from 1:00 until 3:00 pm with Shannon, Erica and Me, Positively Marlene and of course any other Special Guests that may be gracing the studio. PLEASE TUNE IN, LISTEN IN, OR PHONE IN 613-935-6790 To ASK Any ?’s & Or Get Answers to anything you’d like to ask us. You may even be in to WIN A PRIZE!!! Alain Menard, a local song writer and performer, will be in to talk about his “Musical Story” and How after so many years of waiting, that ~ Fingerman Studios~ (operated by the ever so talented, John Lister) helped him to make his *Musical Dreams* come to fruition by putting his (Alain’s) orginal songs to music that John created and performed for each original song that he had written.
Until Next Week: Knowing “TRUE HAPPINESS” Is WHEN What We THINK…What We SAY And What We DO ARE ALL IN HARMONY WITH EACH OTHER!!! That Is True Happiness.