Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall & Area had very special guests at their Monthly Dinner Meeting which took place last night at City Limits Bar & Grill.
Bernadette Clement, Tammy Hart, Evonne Delegarde and Carilyne Hebert, pictured above, came to speak to the group about being a woman in politics. The event was laid back and informal, setting the stage for the many questions coming from the floor, and to demystify life in public service.
“We not only wanted to help women who are thinking about running for politics, but also try to show all women how crucial it is for them to vote,” said Julia Lucio, organizer for Women Entrepreneurs. “Having a fair representation in all levels of government is so important and we wanted to prompt ladies to get involved, even if it’s just by voting, or telling younger women to get out and vote.”
“It was interesting to hear these four women talk about their journey in politics and answer questions from the floor,” said Lorraine Regnier, WE Secretary. “This meeting’s format was a bit different but we had a great turnout and everything went really well.”
Municipal Elections will take place in 2018.
Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall & Area is a supportive group of like-minded women who help each other achieve the success they deserve. They meet Monthly, on the fourth Monday of the month. See http://wecornwallarea.ca for information about joining.