The CCVS Student Art Show is on now at the Cornwall Public Library. Over 250 pieces of art from students in grades 7 to 12 are on display in a variety of media. Group of Seven inspired paintings, abstract ceramic faces, African inspired masks, mixed-media works and intricate beadwork by the Mohawk language class are also available to view. A Sketchbook Wall shows a variety of drawn imagery while the entire gallery area is surrounded by Pop Art ceramic food sculptures, ceramic tiles and scratchboard projects showing value and texture. There is even a Post-it Note Art Wall with over 70 creations completed by students in Grades 7 and 8. Visitors also have the opportunity to vote for their favourite work in the show by filling out a People’s Choice ballot. The Opening Reception was held last evening Wed. May 22nd from 6-8 pm.
Ms. Mahon’s Vocal music students were on hand to provide musical performances which enhanced the evening.
“Thank you to Pierre Dufour and the Cornwall Public Library for their ongoing support of CCVS artistic endeavours. It is a great community partnership that we hope to continue in the future. The annual Student Art Show has been held at the Cornwall Public Library for the past five years. The library itself is such a great venue for showcasing the visual, musical, and literary creativity within our community.” (Betty Carter-Edwards, Visual Arts teacher at CCVS.)

“It is so important that students have the opportunity to see their work exhibited out in the community for the public to enjoy. It gives them confidence and a sense of pride in their accomplishments.” (Betty Carter-Edwards, Visual Arts teacher at CCVS.)
“Students help in all aspects of art show preparation from set up to take down. A show of this size cannot happen without their input and hard work.” (Betty Carter-Edwards, Visual Arts teacher at CCVS.)
The CCVS Annual Student Art Show continues until June 7th, 2019. All are welcome.
Please find attached two student pictured for which you have permission to use.