June 3, 2019 (Upper Canada, ON) – After receiving the 2018 Terry Fox Run results, the Terry Fox Foundation has informed the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) that their family of schools have surpassed the million-dollar fundraising goal at $1,437,006 to date.
For over 30 years, the Terry Fox Foundation has worked to achieve Terry’s vision – a world without cancer. Terry Fox Runs are events that happen annually in early fall at UCDSB schools. Staff and students fundraise individually to raise money to support this initiative.
With a focused goal and collaborative spirit of generosity and determination, UCDSB have been participating in the run for almost 30 years. Carleton Place High School has been participating in the Terry Fox runs almost since the inception, having coordinated a school run for the past 27 years. This school on its own has fundraised $104,889. Viscount Alexander Public School is one of the longest-participating elementary schools in our district, with 25 years of runs. This school, which currently has 450 students, has raised $32,625 over the years.
Every UCDSB elementary and high school participated in this fundraiser in 2018 and contributed anywhere from $50 to over $4,000 to the Terry Fox Foundation.
“Not only do these events bring our school together for a great cause to raise money for cancer research”, explains Scott Strachan, teacher at Carleton Place High School. “It allows our community to know that we are involved and care.”