City of Cornwall Council Meeting – July 27, 2020
Agenda and supporting documents: https://pub-cornwall.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=2865
To Watch: https://www.yourtv.tv/cornwall
Here is a quick summary of the meeting:
A special meeting was held with council to allow the public to ask questions or give comments regarding the 2020 Development Charges Background Study and the proposed Area-Specific Development Charges by-law for the Brookdale Avenue North Corridor.
A presentation was given by Sean-Michael Stephen from Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. where he discussed the Brookdale Avenue North Corridor – Wastewater Development Charges and addressed the Municipal Acts cost recovery mechanism.
After the presentation, the meeting was turned over to the public for questions/comments, but none were received at this time. However, until August 28th, the city will receive questions/comments from the public via mail:
Office of the City Clerk
360 Pitt Street
Cornwall, Ontario K6J 3P9
Phone: 613-930-2787
Fax: 613-933-1860