Did you know that we are now nearing the end of week number 20 since everything got locked down this past March? Time certainly flies when we’re having fun! LOL and how are you all dealing with this “New Normal”? Hopefully like us at the Seeker, you’re “Keeping on, Keeping On”!
Today I ventured out to Marrow and Spice (40-812 Pitt St, Cornwall, ON – 613-933-3330) to visit with owner, Mike Merriam, as I needed to pick up some more of wonderful natural “Patchouli” deodorant made by Bee Real Products. Marrow and Spice has a good variety of Bee Real products. Have you ever stepped in this awesome store? It reminds me of an indoor, all year round Farmers Market that carries so many local products, from meats, spices, sauces, chocolates, teas, cheeses and soooooo much more. You can also stop in and pick up a bite to eat from their interesting and unique menu selections. Of course remember to wear your mask and only 1 person is allowed in the store at a time. Check out their website at: marrowandspice.com
In the past few days I also stopped in at Mrs Bs Crafts and Gifts (Giant Tiger Plaza, 609 Pitt St, Cornwall, ON – 613-937-0222) where I purchased a beautiful watch as mine had broken a few days ago and I was getting tired of looking at my wrist expecting to see what time it was – of course there was no watch there so it was time to get a new one! The store had a nice selection of styles at a very reasonable price ($15.95 I believe) and I know that everything I purchase is usually black but I found one that is gold and silver and the best part is that the numbers on the watch are a good size for even my eyes to see them. Mrs Bs has a very packed store but I was impressed with the way it has been re-organized to make a safe feeling shopping experience. Speaking of safe, I was also able to pick up a couple of black masks which are very comfortable to wear. Check out the website at: www.mrsbsgifts..com

I also picked up a beautiful Butterfly patterned mask at Sewing A+ Plus (402 Cumberland St. Cornwall – 613-932-3998 Check out their website at: www.sewingaplus.net). They have a wonderful selection of handmade cloth masks is many sizes and styles. I don’t know about you but when I go out I am always complementing people if I see an original or interesting mask. This is so strange and I had a conversation with Artist/Photographer Jacqueline Milner at Marrow and Spice today regarding the fact that a year ago you would have only worn a mask if you were going out to rob a bank (LOL) and today everyone is wearing one in order to protect one another – “The New Normal”!
I’m sure everyone must have seen the beautifully decorated “Pop-Up Shop” containers down between First Street and Cornwall Square which are for rent to small businesses, artists and artisans and not for profits giving them anymore exposure. I just love venturing down there to check them out and this past weekend (Saturday in fact) I got to visit with Cornerstone Organics and Artist Mandy Prevost and Actor Brett Desrosiers who had her beautiful handmade bracelets on display and of course who else was down there but our very own Madame Mayor, Bernadette Clement. (Check out the main photo at the top of this article with Madame Mayor, Mandy Prevost and Brett Desrosiers – “Girls just wanna have fun”! I think Madame Mayor has many clones as I seem to see her everywhere … wait if I see here everywhere then I must have clones too LOL. For info about the Pop Up Shops and a list of who will be at them and when, visit: www.cornwall.ca and under the menu LIVE HERE you will find Pop-Up Shop Containers.
Before I go I just want to say “Happy Birthday” to Marlene Bake Lister, one of The Seeker’s contributors who has been with us for many many years. 60 years young today and still looking as “Fabulous as ever”!
I try to get Out and About as much as I can these days so until next time, take care, Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!