Warning – lots and lots of pics!
The second Art Walk of the Summer, powered by YAC (Your Arts Council) was held this evening, Friday, August 28th from 4 to 8pm in Cornwall’s Downtown. Seen in the above photo are: Artist Linda Geisel and Richard Salem, Facilitator of YAC – don’t you just love his hat …

It was wonderful to be out and about and as Mayor Bernadette Clement (above photo) stated. “It is such a nice change from the earlier months of this year, especially March and April that were very dark!!!”
I did warn you that there are lots and lots of pics …
Artists and musicians were socially distanced the length of Pitt Street from Pitt and Third all the way to Cornwall Square with people sitting on the patios at Truffles Burger Bar and Schnitzels, everyone enjoying the evening with perfect weather for an arts stroll and a chance to meet so many members of our arts community!

I stopped in at Cailuan Gallery where there was an art exhibit called “Special Selections” and I was amazed to come across a painting that looked identical to the driveway on the property that Sheldon and I have between Martintown and St. Raphaels which we just purchased a couple of months ago and just put in the driveway last week! How did this artist visualize our driveway so perfectly?
The exhibit has walls full of local art and you can visit Cailuan Gallery at 225 Pitt St, Cornwall, ON. The “Special Selections” exhibit continues August 29th and 30th, September 5th and 6th and 12th and 13th from 10am to 5pm. Call the gallery for more info at 613-935-4141 or check out their website at: www.cailuan.ca
For information about YAC (Your Arts Council) please visit www.yourartscouncil.ca
I’m already looking forward to the next Art Walk where I will be Out and About again!