by Marlene Lister
Hello to all of you that have decided to read the most positive and the most informative magazine in the S.D. & G. area this month. I had a fun filled kind of August where I went camping on the Long Sault Parkway with 2 of my grandsons, Sampson, 11 and William, 8. They had never experienced “Real Camping” with sleeping in a tent and cooking on a campfire. So, I took it upon myself to make it happen for them. A couple of male friends of mine, Curtis and Peter were at the Woodlands Campsite and offered me and the boys to come and join them for a few days. The boys mother, Melinda purchased “camping in a bag’ for a little under $200.00 from a lady that never used it. It came with an awesome, pale green 6- man tent, 2 folding camp chairs, 2 sleeping bags, along with 2 small pillows. It even came with a smaller sized tent to store our stuff in. We cooked breakfasts and lunches on a Coleman, but in the evening we roasted marshmallows over the fire in which the boys really enjoyed themselves. We all got to skip stones, swim, catch a few crayfish in which Sampson and I ate after they were cooked in a can of water in the fire. William didn’t like it at all. But at least he tried it. We watched beautiful sunsets over the water in the evenings. We even saw a tall Heron catching a fish one evening. That was so cool! The boys did have to go through some electronic withdrawal, but all in all they had a wonderful time camping for their first time.
September is usually the time of year for returning to school for thousands of children. But what kind of year is it going to be with having to deal with Covid-19? Will some parents be keeping their children home? OR will they decide to send them to school? If I was a parent, I would NOT be sending my children to school until they had the school well prepared and safe for the syudents and the teachers. My heart goes out to all of the parents that don’t have a choice this year. I wish all the very best to all of my grandchildren and all the other students returning for the 2020/2021 school year. GOOD LUCK!
Here is a story as told by a student one hundred years ago… “It was 1920 and the Summer field work had ended for me, as I was out the door on my first day of school. Once my chores were done, I carried a home-made bucket with Mom’s cake, biscuits, some fried eggs, my books and an apple to walk the couple of kilometres to the two-room schoolhouse. The younger children were taught in one room, and the older ones in the other. Neither teacher was opposed to using a strap or switch to keep discipline if necessary. Once school was over, we’d embark on the long walk back home, then do our afternoon chores before starting our homework that would be due in the morning. Some of my classmates didn’t own shoes, or the ones they had were too large, or full of holes. The walk was a lot harder in winter, but we were still expected to get to and from school regardless. By grade four or five, many parents pulled their children out of school, as they were preparing them to take over the family farm and education wasn’t as necessary as being home all year to tend to the work. I had stayed in school to complete grade 8, and the following year, my parents paid the $3.50 a year to send me to high school where I boarded with a family member. The school year ended in May, so that students could go back to work on their parent’s farms again. I don’t know if I worked harder during the school year, or during the summer break, but every year I always looked forward to the first day of school.” Imagine That! The students of today are so fortunate.. Do they even realize that they are?
FUN FACTS: September, in Old England, was called “Haervest-monath” (Harvest Month). This is the time to gather up the rest of the harvest and prepare for the Winter months ahead. September’s name comes from the Latin word “septem” which means “seven.” This month had originally been the seventh month of the early Roman calendar. Here is a sweet poem: There are flowers enough in the Summertime, More flowers than I can remember… But none with the purple, gold, and red that dye the flowers of September! Mary Howitt (1799-1888)
TIP OF THE MONTH: Here are seven “Happiness Tips” to follow: 1.LOOK for the GOOD in every situation. 2. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude. 3.Do NOT listen to Gossip. 4.Design your own LIVES. 5.IGNORE what others say about us. 6.Once it has PAST..Let it Go. 7.LAUGH more.
WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE? If you had to make a choice between RIGHT and KIND, which one would you choose, and why? I almost always chose to be “KIND.” There are times when being right could win me the disagreement or prove that I know more about something, but it could hurt the other person. If it is not a life important topic, I will back down and either not say anything or agree with the other person. The classic “Do these pants make me look fat?” comes to my mind. Being KIND is harder sometimes because we all want to win and we all want to be right. But usually being KIND does a lot more Good in the end. Choose To Be Kind because it is KINDER to do so.

ITEM OF THE MONTH: This month I have chosen something quite special and unique. It is a birthday present that Johnny got for me from Value Village of all places. This special piece would be from the 1940’s. It is a small, multi-coloured chain-link purse that opens up wider when you pull it apart. It has a silver metal cap to help keep it closed. I hadn’t notice right away but on the metal cap there is a motif of a Peacock. I then realized why it had coloured feather- like patterns on it. After all, I am “The Peacock Lady.” I am so pleased with this little purse and I will cherish it for a long time to come Thank you John for making my 60th birthday so special this year.
FAMILY NEWS: In the month of September I have my eldest granddaughter, Abigail who will be turning 17 on the 10th. My lovely daughter-in-law, Tonya’s birthday is on the 30th, the same day as my dear Johnny’s. May you all have an awesome and fun kind of day celebrating it with all of the ones that you love and cherish as friends (including me.) May the upcoming year be filled with lots of new experiences and new adventures. All the very best in Health, Wealth, & Pure Happiness for the rest of 2020 and into 2021!
COMMUNITY NEWS: If you are returning to school or starting a new job you will be needing and wanting to look your very best.. Right? Well, Corrine Sullivan McGimpsey of The Secret Salon here in Cornwall can and will help you with all of your Hair Needs & Wants. She has over 30 years experience so she knows what she is doing. You can contact her through facebook for your next appointment. Johnny and I, and many of our close friends frequent The Secret Salon every month and are very happy with the results. “Hey Johnny, You need to make an appointment with Corrine..Your hair is looking like the guy off of Scooby Doo.” Just sayin.
UNTIL NEXT MONTH: If we do not leave our PAST behind..It will destroy our FUTURE! LIVE for what TODAY has to offer us… Not for what YESTERDAY has taken away. Please Pay It Forward in some small way every day.. even if it is by sharing your pretty and handsome smiles along your ways.
Marlene Lister of www.fashionography &