Hello there to all of you who have decided to read The Seeker this month.
At this time of year, it is easy to reflect on the changing seasons of our own lives. Death and re-birth comes to mind, as we see the leaves make their final splash of grandeur before falling into decay. But are they truly dead? Do their cells not continue to fertilize the earth that the trees roots take nourishment from? And are next years buds not already present? They certainly are, and we can also let things that no longer serve us die away, while encouraging growth in new areas of our lives. Going one step further, we could say that the tree is our spirit, and each season of leaves is a new incarnation. No matter how we choose to see it, the changing of the seasons truly is a reflection of Human Life, too. I truly love this time of year and I do hope that you are encouraged to go out and about to enjoy the beautiful Fall Fashion Show that Mother Nature puts on each year before the Whites of Winter come blowing in to shiver our bones.

Item of the Month: This month I have chosen an item that is so delicate and oh, so pretty. It isn’t another pair of boots or shoes, but a pair of earrings that Johnny bought for me.. just because. I have always loved the beautifully coloured miniature bird, The Hummingbird. So, Johnny being the sweetheart that he is gave me a pair to wear in my ears. Thank you my love. I love them and I will wear them with a smile from earring to earring.
Tip of The Month: Here are (8) different ways to have “More Time” for yourselves: 1. Decide what is most important and do that first, every day. 2. Do not allow others to Schedule Your Life. 3. Pay close attention to whatever makes you Happy. 4. STOP watching TV or Playing too many games. 5. Schedule your breaks and enjoy them. 6. Look through your calendar and cancel events that you are not excited about. 7. If you keep putting something off, Then Just Let It Go. 8. Before you retire each night decide on tomorrow’s most important occurences.
Fun Facts: “Trick or treating” was “invented” in 1927. The first-ever mention of the term in the press was in the local newspaper of Blackie, Alberta, Canada. The idea of “Trick or Treating” is much older than that though. The packaged and store-bought Halloween costumes have only been around since the mid 20th Century, but “Guising” and “Souling” were similar practices popular in the Middle Ages. Almost like caroling on Christmas, people would wear costumes and sing or dance in exchange for food and drink. The colours orange and black were not chosen at random. These Halloween colors have more meaning than that..Orange is a symbol of the Harvest (as well as a symbol of endurance and strength), and Black is a symbol of Death and the After life. Samhain is a Gaelic festival that celebrates the end of harvest time. It was believed that during Samhain, the barriers between the physical and spirit world would temporarily break down. To prevent fairies from kidnapping loved ones, people would dress in scary costumes to ward them off. As time went on, it became a tradition to burn a fire to ward off fairies and witches, usually set in a carved-out pumpkin, also decorated with a scary face. Because tricks were commonly blamed on fairies, children would wear scary costumes to ward off fairies, and the price was a treat. They went door to door in this manner, chanting “Trick or Treat”. In the 9th Century, Pope Gregory declared November 1st “All Hallows Day” to try and change Samhain into a religious day. The evening of Samhain was then known as ‘All Hallows Eve’ or “Halloween” for short. How are you going to celebrate Halloween this year? Will you be going out to a costume party? OR Throwing a party of your own? What are you going to dress up like? Whatever you decide to do this year.. HAVE LOTS OF FUUUUN and above all, STAY SAFE!!!

Family News: My youngest grandson, Xavier is growing and doing well. He is certainly making his Mommy and Daddy very happy first time parents. I had the pleasure of meeting Xavier for the first time when he turned one month old. What a wee sweetheart and a joy to the rest of the family. Love Always Nana
Did You Know? That a cat purring on your lap is much more healing then many drugs on this earth. As the vibrations that we are receiving from our feline friends are from pure love and contentment. Purrrr Puuurrr Puuuurrr..Come here, Maxi.. Come hither, Ginja.
Community News: I finally got something that my dear twin sister, Darlene wanted me to do for her. I got another beautiful peacock feather tattooed on my left shoulder. It was professionally done by Phil of [email protected] right here in Cornwall, Ontario. It took him about 2 hours from start to finish. I was truly amazed that he hand drew it on my shoulder. I am also really happy with the results and I would highly reccomend Phil for any of your tattoo ideas and or wishes. Here is the # to call for your next TATTOO! (613) 935-5616. HAPPY TATTING.
Until next month: The trees are about to show us.. How lovely and easy it is to.. LET GO OF THINGS!!! Please Pay It Forward in some small way.. Even, if it is by sharing your handsome and pretty SMILES along your way! Do take care EVERYONE and stay safe. WEAR THE MASK!!!
Marlene Lister of www.listerphotos.ca & www.fashionography.ca