September is always a time of transition, the shift from the full heat of summer into cooler nights and moderate days and the shift from the vacation spirit to the return to work and school and routine. We both resent and appreciate this.
And the month has been rife with SIGNS for me as I became ill for several days. Initially I blamed the full moon, mercury back in retrograde, the change of seasons, whatever reason I could identify. This unnamed illness (not COVID) was accompanied by big dreams which seemed so significant that I began to record them. Transformation was a word that popped in and out of the dreamscape; not a word I commonly use. In search for a greater understanding of what this might mean, I looked up a definition with the following results:
Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them.
Going beyond the way you live – definitely a great place to start. I am not sure about you, but I am habitual, I like routine, I set goals, I seek purpose. All of these habits serve me yet have led to a rather boxed in life at times. With both age and this recent COVID event, I am realizing that it is time to go beyond, to create a different and better life for myself that is more flexible, creative, adventurous. As you might say, it is time to WAKE UP!
As all of us move forward with life, the current state of the world provides many opportunities. Transformation is one of them (and you don’t need to get sick or have big dreams to do so). Assuming you want to engage, there are some questions you might consider exploring such as:
– what lights me up/brings me joy?- what have I left undone that keeps coming up for me?- if I had no fear, what would I launch? Choose to experience?- what will I regret if I do not begin it now?
Returning to my dreams, one morning I awoke with a message in my head, “Look at life as a blank canvas. If today is the first day of your life, and it really is, what do you want to paint?” As an artist this question has been sitting on my soul for few days now. What do I/you want to paint? I see dragons, mountains and oceans, wings and angels, a lust for the unknown. I see a life less planned and more in flow. What do you see; what will you paint? You get to choose.
I would love to hear your thoughts and explorations. You can connect with me on Facebook or