Welcome to the New Year everyone. May 2021 be a much better and brighter year for everyone. May it also be a more positive & productive year!!!
I have been happily writing for The Seeker for nearly 10 years, ever since June 2013. When I was asked to write a column that year, I named it – Passion for Fashion. In June of 2013, I wrote about skin care and Vitamin D, as it was the start of summery weather. I had also entered a Retro Pinup Contest in Ottawa. I have gone through some of my old newspapers to find and share some of the highlights. Here they are for you to enjoy and to perhaps reread:

July 2013 – Passion for Fashion: More fashion advice, including hitting up the local thrift shops, a cool 80’s-themed wedding we photographed and more.
Oct 2014 – Autumn leaves, a baby shower, the Led Zeppelin tribute band, ‘Mothership’ at the Port, John’s recent birthday and Halloween preparations. This was also the year I unexpectedly won Contributor of the Year at The Seeker Choice Awards at Cornwall’s Golf and Country Club.
March 2015 – Photo on cover! Report of a St. Patrick’s Day party we attended, history of St. Patrick’s Day, taking spring clothes out of storage, Daylight Savings Time.
Sept 2016 – Back to school, uses for Vicks Vapour Rub, coloured leaves, wedding of my 3rd daughter, Ella Rose to Steven Slack.
Nov 2016 – The benefits of drinking lots of water, being the MC at the fifth annual Jamming 4 Hospice for Patty Edwards, advice about looking for more of the light within, and less of the dark.
Jan 2017 – Discussing DCN’s ‘The Couch’ online radio show, many assorted words of wisdom and a fundraiser for a local cancer patient.
May 2018 – Observations on Spring – tips on staying positive – family news (birth of 7th grandson, Aydin) – Fun facts about the dandelion plant.
June 2018 – Our big move into our own Forever home, the Seeker’s Choice Awards, the sad closure of DCN Radio, and with it, The Couch, of which I was an on-camera contributor.
Feb 2019 – A year before this, I was married to John and tell the story again. The origin of Valentine Cards, online auctions and assorted advice and wisdom.
Mar 2020 – Spring is a time of renewal, approaching the big 60, being happily married, dreams coming true if you believe, our ‘Valeversary’ at the Best Western. As I look forward to another year of writing for this awesome magazine
I am overjoyed and excited to see what this year has in store for not only Johnny and I, but for You, You, and even You, over there hiding in the corner. It is the time of year to think about renewing friendships, perhaps looking into getting a new job, or doing something that you have always wanted to do… like taking up drawing, painting or sculpting, or maybe just reading more books and articles this year. Whatever you choose… May you all have FUN doing so. CHEERS TO THE HAPPIEST OF ALL YEARS, THIS YEAR!!!
Tip of the Month: The “Five W’s” Of Life:
1. WHO we are is what makes us, Special and Unique. Please do not change for anyone.
2. WHAT lies ahead of us will always be a Mystery. Do not be afraid to Explore.
3. WHEN life pushes us over, we must push back harder.
4. WHERE there are Choices to make, do make sure to make the ones that we won’t regret in the end.
5. WHY things happen to us will never be certain. Take it in Stride and Move Forward.

Item of the Month: I am choosing this unique item that I received from a dear friend of mine, Catherine. She knows (like most everyone else) that I have a love for footwear. Well, she gifted this prettily decorated boot bank to me. She said it was to save up money in order to buy some more footwear. Oh Johnny! Start The CAR!
FUN FACTS: The first New Year’s celebration dates back 4,000 years ago. The emperor of Rome, Julius Caesar was the first to declare January 1st a “National Holiday”. He named the month after Janus, the Roman god of doors and gates. Janus had two faces, one looking forward and one looking back. Caesar felt that a month named after this god would be fitting. Do You? Do make sure to be surrounded by your families or loved ones on New Year’s Eve. The first person you come across in the New Year could set the tone for the next 12 months. This applies to couples, as well. If a couple celebrating New Year’s together does not kiss, the future of the relationship might be splitsville, so be sure to lay a “Nice Kiss” on your significant other’s lips. MUUUAAAH!

Family News: There are three birthdays this month. It is my youngest daughter, Victoria’s on the 12th and my twin’s youngest daughter, Miranda’s on the 21st. May you both have a Fabulous and Fun- filled day, girls. I also have to mention my great- grandson, Wilder’s First birthday on Jan. 9th. You are such a cute and smart boy and I wish you all the joy, love and happiness in the world. All the very best in 2021. Love Always Mom/Auntie Marlene/ G` Nana
Community News: This month I am choosing my own business of Fashionography. You see 2020 wasn’t a very good year for my business. So, I would love to start afresh this year and invite you, or anyone you know that would love to do a “photo shoot” with John and I. A “Pin Up” or “Boudoir” session is always fun for the ladies to do for their significant others. Fashionography specalizes in taking womens’ photos. I will gladly help with your make- up, wardrobe and even your hair. For an hour long photo shoot… you would receive 6 or more edited photos for the very low price of $125.00. Please contact me whenever you are ready to get shot and to show off your “Pretty” OR “Sexy Side.” Please visit www.fashionography.ca to see what we have done and can do for YOU!!!
Until Next Month: Do ONE act of KINDNESS each Day of this Year, and it will change 365 lives and can and will change YOU, too. Please Pay It Forward In Some Small Way, Even, If, It Is By Sharing Your Pretty & Handsome SMILES.
Do Take Care & Stay Safe. PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS!!!
Marlene Lister of www.listerphotos.ca & www.fashionography.ca