Hello there to all of you that happen to have picked up this fabulous, monthly magazine to read all about what is going on in the Cornwall, and the S.D.& G. area. As well as to read all of the positive and informative news in and around our beautiful city of Cornwall. Ont.

This month happens to be Johnny’s and my 3rd Wedding Anniversary. WOW! I can hardly believe that 3 years have gone by ever since we WON a writing contest in Ottawa. It was to tell them why they should choose us to be a part of a wedding celebration that many businesses and people volunteered their time to have 10 couples all get married on the same day. This was a unique kind of fund raiser for CHEO on Feb. 12th 2018. We ONLY had 3 weeks to get and have everything ready for our “Special Day!” WE DID IT with the gracious help of family and friends. My wedding dress was donated by a lovely lady, Remington, and it was made over to make it more personal for me, by my dear friend, Patricia. All of the beautiful decorations were hand made by myself and a good friend of ours, Karen. Ken, Karen, and MClaire helped pay for our food from Cold Platter Catering at our reception. It was held at The Army & Navy Club here in Cornwall. Our beautiful cake was handmade by the ever so talented Sue Anne of Fairy Sweet. Our awesome DJ for the evening was Jamie Gibeau. But, the best part of all of this was the turn out of nearly 30 family and friends at our wedding in Ottawa. Then 3 days later nearly 80 people came to our wedding reception. We certainly felt all of the love and support from everyone. Now, all we have to do is to LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

Item of the Month: I have chosen an item that is close to my heart. It is a simple, but meaningful Valentine’s present that I gave Johnny in 2010. You see, I didn’t have much money back then, but, I was compelled to purchase this sweet little heart-shaped window fascinator for our very first Valentine’s. I believe I only paid $3.00 for it at The Salvation Army Thrift Store here in Cornwall. This heart now hangs in our “Forever Home” reminding us of our humble beginnings.
Seeing that this is the Month of Love, I have some interesting facts about VALENTINE’S DAY: The origins of St. Valentine’s Day are a little hazy, but one widely-held theory is that it was named for an event that the ancient Romans originated. In the 3rd Century A.D., Emperor Claudius II executed two men on different years, both on February 14th, and both named ‘Valentine’. The Catholic Church heralded them as martyrs, and so created “St. Valentine’s Day.” By the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I mixed Valentine’s Day with pagan rituals, known as “Lubercalia.” Meanwhile, the Normans celebrated “Galatin’s Day”, which meant, “Lover of Women.” Since “Galatin’s Day” and “Valentine’s Day” sounded alike, it seems that the two were combined, perhaps unintentionally. Valentine’s Day was thought to have originated from a Roman festival in which they called, “Lupercalia” in the middle of Feb. which officially is the start of their Springtime. This is a holiday when lovers express their affection with special greetings and gifts. This festival, which celebrated the coming of Spring, includes fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. I am glad that we don’t have to do this, today.
Tip of the Month: Here is some Relationship Advice. 1. Slow Down and Take It Easy. 2. Give 100%! 3. You are responsible for your OWN HAPPINESS. 4. STOP Waiting and LIVE Your Lives. 5. LOVE YOUrselves. 6. DO NOT put BOUNDARIES on one other. 7. RESPECT one another. 8. TRUST each other. 9. Put in a lot of EFFORT! 10. LOVE.. LOVE.. LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVERY DAY.. ESPECIALLY ON THE BAD DAYS!
Things To Ponder Upon: Why do we Drive on the Parkway and Park on the Driveway? OR When French people swear.. Do they say, “Pardon My English?”

Family News: There is one anniversary and two birthdays to celebrate this month: My dear, loving mother is turning 84 on the 11th, and my youngest son, Marcus will be 29 on the 28th. May you both have a wonderful year ahead of you. May this be a much better and brighter year for you both. Love Always Marlene/Mom. A HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY TO JOHN & I, Valentine’s Day may only come, but once a year, but, every day you fill my Life with so much Happiness and Joy, Johnny. No matter where I go, the warmest place will always be in your strong and loving arms. I cannot even imagine having a Life without you in it, my dear, sweet and oh, so wonderful husband. I love you, John, for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you are yet to be. I look forward to many, many more years of celebrating all that we will do and share in our lives together, my love of all loves.
Community News: What started as a hobby in 2016 for owners, Brenda and Gilles Legault has grown into a successful full-time, full-service catering business. Cold Platter Catering is an awesome place where the food is made from scratch and is always fresh. They serve cold foods on platters as well as homemade salads of all different kinds. “My fresh, homemade foods come right out of the oven and into the warmer boxes, they are delivered into warmer chafers with your plate being the final destination! I wouldn’t have it any other way,” says Brenda. They catered for our wedding reception and they did a phenomenal job of having the food there on time. It was all beautifully arranged and the delicious looking food was so fresh and tasty. Please contact them for any of your foody needs and wants: Phone 613-662-6270 OR www.facebook.com/Brendascoldplattercatering/
Until Next Month: One of the most important lessons we can take into this New Year is: If, We cannot do anything about it, THEN .. WE Are To Let It Go! Do Not be a Prisoner To Things That We Cannot Change.
Marlene Lister of www.listerphotos.ca & www.fashionography.ca