The Regional Emergency Response Council(RERC) is happy to announce a fourth round of emergency food hampers. This initiative will support our most vulnerable residents across Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne and is made possible by the Social Services Relief Fund.
If you or someone you know is in need of a little extra support this March please phone 613-936-0306 ext 253. Leave a detailed message with your name, phone number, full address, and how many people live in your household. Someone will return your call to complete the self referral process. The deadline to register is Friday February 26 at 4:00pm. However with a limited number of hampers available, registration may close sooner if there is a larger demand.
“Many of our referrals are coming from community agencies who have vulnerable clients in need of assistance. However, we want to ensure everyone in need has access to this support. Too many families in our region were already struggling with food insecurity and the pandemic has certainly made situations worse for many.” Carilyne Hébert, Executive Director of the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area.
This will take place the week of March 8th at the Cornwall Civic Complex thanks to a partnership with the City of Cornwall. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Stephanie at [email protected] or leave a message at 613-936-0306 ext 253.
“As this crisis drags on, and as so many in our community still struggle to make ends meet, we at the United Way/Centraide of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry are proud to be able to work with the members of the Regional Emergency Response Council and offer another round of emergency hampers to those that could use a helping hand” Juliette Labossière, Executive Director, United Way/Centraide SD&G
The RERC is a collaboration co-chaired by The United Way/Centraide SDG and the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area. This Council’s purpose is to evaluate and define the community’s pressing needs during a time of crisis. The Council composed of over 20 agencies, non-profits, and service clubs, representing the various sectors of service throughout Cornwall, the Counties, and Akwesasne, have been addressing the most pressing social needs that our community has faced during this pandemic.