Hello there to the month of March and to all of you that have decided to pick up the most informative and positive magazine in the Cornwall, and the S. D. & G. area.
Well, two months have come and gone in this New Year thus far. My dear husband, Johnny is going through some very serious, medical procedures in Ottawa for the past month. He has been weakened by this and has lost a lot of weight. But, he continues to be his funny and positive self throughout all of these procedures. In which I am so glad that he can be. This is one of the positive ways that he can still be happy and healthy during difficult times like these. I, too must keep positive and upbeat for him during this difficult time. Truthfully, it has been hard for me at times to be POSITIVE! But I keep reminding myself, Be Positive.. for after all.. I Am “Positive Marlene.” I am glad to say that there are only 2 weeks left and then Johnny will be back home with me and our mini zoo. To be able to continue living, laughing and loving for many years to come in our beautiful forever home, together. Could you please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all kindly in advance. M~
SPRING Is In the Air! The temperatures are rising, the days are getting longer, the snow is disappearing and even the birdies are tweeting and chirping more these days. These are all sure signs that SPRING is just around the corner. This is the time of year when all of the animals start to wake up from their long Winter’s nap and the birds start returning from down south.
Perhaps you should start getting out your summer tops and shorts, those itsy, bitsy bikinis of yours, those funny looking flip flops, short skirts and even your suntan oil.. Well, this might be a little premature.. But, What the Heck, I Dream BIG!
Tip of the Month: Here are Ten Truthful Truths: 1.The average human’s life is relatively short. 2.We will only ever live the life that we create for ourselves. 3.Being busy does NOT always mean being Productive. 4.Some kind of Failure always seems to occur before Success. 5.Thinking and Doing are two separate things. 6.We do NOT have to wait for an Apology to Forgive. 7.There are some people that are the wrong match for us. 8.It is NOT other people’s jobs to love us. It is OURS! 9.What we Own is NOT who WE are. 10. Everything Changes.. Every second, minute, every hour, week, every month, and year after year. Nothing Stays The Same.

Deal of the Month: This week I have chosen something that makes me smile. It is something that Johnny got me for our 3rd Valenanniversary this year. We have always had a “Romantic side” to us and candles are the one thing that can bring a lovely ambiance to any room. But, they are and can be dangerous. So, Johnny got a set of 5 “real looking” white candles made from paraffin wax that work on batteries. They have a faux moving flame that flickers just like a real one. The price of these were .. Oh, I Don’t Know.. Oh, well, you will have to check on E-bay for the price for yourselves.
FUN Facts: This month’s name of March comes from Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. It was named after Mars, the Roman God of War, and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons, Romulus and Remus. Many other religions and cultures continue to celebrate the beginning of the New Year in the month of March. Did you know that every year March and June end on the same day of the week? Now, You Do.

Family News: This month there are two birthdays to celebrate in my family. Both are on the same day. But, only one is still here with us. My dear stepfather passed away many years ago, and my niece, Amanda will be turning 42 on March 17th. Happy Birthday Amanda & Dad in Heaven. Love Always M~

Community News: I am so excited to share the news that I have started a New business venture this year. John and I have teamed up with a dear friend of ours, Curtis Archer. His grandfather had the business going for many years and when he passed away last year decided to take the business over. It is called, The NEW Penny Saver Delivery Service. If you or anyone that you know needs or wants food, items, mail. etc. to be delivered or picked up. Then give us a call at (343) 867-7721. We provide Quick and Friendly Service. 7 days a week with a New, reliable car from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. within the Cornwall and the S. D. & G. area. We do accept cash or Interact that accept debit cards, MasterCard, Visa etc. Please visit our website pennysaverdelivery.ca
Until Next Month: Just Be Yourselves because an ORIGINAL is worth way more then a COPY! Please Pay It Forward In Some Small Way.. Even, If, It Is By Sharing Your Handsome & Pretty Smiles.
Marlene Baker of www.pennysaverdelivery.ca & www.listerphotos.ca & www.fashionography.ca