1 – Please give us a brief biography / tell the readers about yourself. (e.g. work, family, education, experience)

I was born and raised in the city of Cornwall. My wife Elaine and I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Over the span of 45 years, I enjoyed a career in policing, security and investigations both domestic and foreign. My hobbies include sports, and live car racing. Some of the highlights from my career are Cornwall Police Service from 1976-2001 and retired as a sergeant. 2001-2003 Executive Director of Community Agencies of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry 2003-2006, Councilor on Cornwall City Council. July -November 2007 investigator/security in South Africa for a Montreal law firm. 2008 to present security Manager for a large office complex in Ottawa that has several embassies as tenants. I also have 25 plus years involvement at Cornwall Motor Speedway.
2 – What Makes you the best choice to be out Member of Parliament?
I’m a grassroots person with leadership skills that wants to help make a difference in the well-being of all our constituents. I believe it is important to be a good listener to understand a person’s problems or concerns and then reach out to assist them in the best way possible.
3 – What is the most important Federal issue affecting people here in the riding of SDSG?
A number of constituents have expressed concerns about the environment, health care and uncertainty caused by this pandemic. I believe the Liberal party has acted responsibly in addressing many of these concerns, but there is more to do and I want to be able to express these concerns in Ottawa and ensure that we are part of the Liberal actions in resolving them.
4 – What are your thoughts on Canada’s handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic? What is your party’s plan to address the pandemic moving forward?
From the start of this pandemic, no one saw it coming or truly understood what was happening. We have been able to work with the medical and scientific community to develop vaccines and better understand the pandemic. We are making progress in eradicating it.We have all been affected by the pandemic and that is why this election is so important, we must have the support of Canadians in moving forward on the economic recovery from the pandemic and ensure that we have the tools and expertise necessary to battle any future pandemics.
5 – What are the best ways to support economic recovery after a pandemic? What will your party do to support small businesses?
As a result of this pandemic Canada’s workforce is changing. Many companies are giving their employees the options of working from homes, there are protocols being put into place for companies that need personnel in their offices we are moving into a blended type workforce. We are also finding that many employees are looking for new challenges. The government has to assist in training of employees looking at change and those that are trying to find that first job. It does not matter the size of the business the government has a role to play in helping Canadians to find work. We must also remember that we are facing a skilled worker shortage as many of the baby boomer’s generation are now moving from employment into retirement leaving countless jobs vacant.
6 – What is your reaction to the UN Climate report? Does Canada have a responsibility to reduce carbon emissions, and if yes, what is the best course of action?
As mentioned in an earlier response, many constituents have expressed concern over the environment the United Nations has correctly stated that all countries must work together to address global warming. Our Liberal government has outlined action in a number of areas, such as clean and renewable energy, energy efficiency in homes and businesses, Made in Canada clean technologies, electric vehicle charging stations and alternative fuel infrastructure, public transit, investments in indigenous, rural and remote communities to transition to cleaner energy sources, and support for communities to adapt to a changing climate.
7. – Tragic discoveries have been made at Residential schools. What should the Federal Government do to address this and other issues impacting Aboriginals (e.g., land claims, clean drinking water, etc.)?
Like many other Canadians I was shocked and saddened to hear of the discoveries at the Residential Schools. It is a part of our history that we are not aware of and must come to terms with. We must accept the many recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a guideline of how to move forward with our First Nations communities and recognize their ancestral claims, and honour our treaty commitments and recognize our responsibilities and make good on them.
8 – Canada banned blood donations from gay men since 1992. Since 2013, there have been ongoing restrictions. Do you support lifting the remaining restrictions? Why or why not?
If the science is in place to categorically confirm that such blood donations do not pose a threat to anyone’s health, then I see no reason why there should be any restrictions. There are some deferral rules currently in place which now stand at 3 months but there are some indications that this deferral rule could be lifted.
9 – What are your thoughts on the Trudeau government? Most significant accomplishment and/or biggest failures?
Prime Minister Trudeau has shown great strength and resolve in addressing the COVID pandemic. This has possibly been his greatest success to date. There was so little known about the pandemic when it hit and yet Canada has moved forward with a strong vaccination program and the government has assisted Canadians in accordance with their needs. The challenge now is to demonstrate to Canadians that we are prepared to move forward with a recovery plan that will address the health and safety of all Canadians and restore employment and prosperity in our economy.
10.- Which political leader is the best choice for Prime Minister and why?
Prime Minister Trudeau, people might not like his style, but he has demonstrated that he has a vision for Canada and is moving forward with that vision, whether it be on the economic front, pandemic, environment, First Nation Relations, social issues, justice he is acting in the interests of all Canadians.