A visit to our library is always interesting but more exciting when visiting the Cornwall Public Library for the unveiling of their new branding and Strategic Plan 2021-2025, part of the celebrations for National Library Week which runs from October 18th to the 23rd.

Two years ago I met with the then new CEO, Helen McCutcheon (photo above) who had just moved to Cornwall and even then I could feel that this lady was going to make some great changes to our library, the place that at the unveiling was referred to as “The Hub of the Community”, by Library Board Chair Jennifer Jarvis. Did you know that our library has been serving our community since 1890?
The new library logo is definitely very different from the logo that the library has had for the past few years. The colours have changed to reflect the new colours that adorn the walls inside the library and a book is still represented in the logo but in a very up to date style. It still represents an open book with the four individual shapes also representing the St. Lawrence River.

Not only does the library have a new logo, but with the help of 290 people in the form of Focus Groups, they have a new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 as well which is also represented in the four individual shapes of the logo. Purple represents Meaningful Partnerships, Blue represents Exceptional Service, Space and Experience, Yellow represents Strong Communications and Visibility and Green represents Operational Excellence.
“The Cornwall Public Library is focused on continuing to serve the community and provide access to valuable resources and a welcoming space. At the core of these strategic directions is our commitment to strengthen the community of Cornwall and provide residents with inclusive spaces for the enjoyment of learning and education, social interaction and community engagement” this being a message from the Public Library Board and CEO.
Initially we heard a few welcoming words from Pierre Dufour, Programming Marketing Manager followed by Board Chair, Jennifer Jarvis, Mayor Glen Grant and Helen McCutcheon, Library CEO. After that we were shown a few exciting additions to the library in the form of a Recording area demonstrated to us by Russell Abraham the Library’s Business Service Manager and also the new 3D Printer that was demonstrated by Lise Babcock the Public Service Manager.

I’m sure everyone who visits the library will be impressed with the clean and bright new feel and also the new programmes and services that have been added.
I love the application of the logo on the T-shirt and book/shopping bag and of course, being “curious as a cat” who checks everything out, I think my cat Lovey loves it too!
You can visit the Cornwall Public Library in person at 45 Second Street East “Where it’s happening” as the new branding states, where opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am to 4:30pm, Wednesday 9:30am to 8:30pm and Saturday 9:30am to 5pm. Call 613-932-4796 for more info and of course check out their website at: www.library.cornwall.on.ca
You will discover that our library is a lot more than just books!!!