1. Use Your Commuting Downtime Wisely
Very few people recognize just how important it is to have some downtime. When riding public transportation or driving your car to work, use that downtime to do something relaxing. For some, it may mean napping on the bus, but for others, it may entail reading a favorite book, listening to a podcast or socializing with other commuters.
2. Connect With Other People
Commuting is a great time to actually put yourself out there and get to know other people. There’s a good chance some of the people you see on a daily basis work in the same office building as you! Plus, this is also the ideal time to network yourself and connect with people in your industry. On the off chance that you don’t see other people during your commute, why not text or phone a friend? Of course, you can also call your parents, siblings, cousin or virtually anyone else you know. Chances are, you’ll feel more fulfilled at work when you have some social downtime every day. Many city dwellers choose not to run a car with its high costs and issues of pollution, you may have a car for scrap that could earn you some extra cash.
3. Make Your Commute Equal Social Media Time
Experts have concluded that using social media during work can really mess with your time management. However, when you commute, you have plenty of time to answer emails and post on social media. You’ll find that you’re happier at work and less likely to constantly check your messages. In fact, in many instances issues resolve themselves in the time you’re at work and by the time you get to your messages during your commute. Make it a point to keep your interactions available only during these times and you will see your work productivity increase tenfold.
4. Use Your Commute As The Line Between Work And Freedom
You need a way out of work and you have to draw the line at the end of the day. You may tell yourself you have one more document to look over or email to answer, but this is how time management gets out of control. Give yourself a semblance of normalcy by using your commute time to draw the line as to when you have to leave work by. By clearly setting boundaries between your workplace and commuting time, you can focus your energy on more important things at home. Plus, many things that may seem like a problem at work are actually clearer when you can think level-headed during your commute.
5. Try Meditation
Chilling out and spending some time from your commute on meditation is scientifically proven to make you feel better. Just 10 minutes a day using a recorded meditation technique or the Headspace app can do wonders for your psyche. In fact, you’ll see this so-called downtime translate to better workplace productivity and a clearer brain for you while you work. Just think about how much of your time each day you spend commuting and use a small slice of that time to give your body and mind the ability to recharge its batteries. Bear in mind, meditation may mean something different for everyone, which is why you should consider what it means to you. If you’re driving to work, chances are you won’t have the ability to close your eyes (you actually shouldn’t), therefore, you should think about ways to clear your head.