This column is proudly sponsored by: The Purple Broomstick – “Cornwall’s authentic witch store with the best prices in town”, Located at 235 Guy Street in Cornwall, ON
There are many misconceptions (taught by churches or movies) as to what witchcraft is. It is my hope that you will enjoy reading this column. In future months, there will be Tarot or magical activities to do.
My magic name is Bride Rose. Bride (pronounced (Bri- dee) which is Scottish Gaelic for the Celtic Goddess Brigit. I am a member of the Greenwood Celtic Shamanic Coven situated in Cornwall. Welcome to my column.
Why be a witch in the 21st century? I get this question often. I’ve had people meet me and make the sign of the cross, take three steps backward or simply leave.
Let’s face it: the world is a mess. For me, Wicca is the answer. Wicca right now is the fastest growing religion in the Western world.
Witchcraft gives me a sense of control over my life that conventional religion did not. I am free to practice ritual and elemental magic. My spiritual path has opened the door for me to read Tarot cards and teach magic in all its forms.
The Goddess and the God are equal and the Gods and Goddesses of old are there to comfort, heal and teach. What better place is there to work with the Celtic Dieties than in SD&G county?
There are many types of witchcraft and while every Wiccan is a witch: not every witch is Wiccan. Most witches celebrate the turning of the yearly wheel with eight Sabbats. Each Sabbat is a sacred day and many have been turned into Christian holidays. They are:
Samhain (Halloween)
Yule (Christmas)
Imbolc: (Candlemass) February 1-2
Ostara: (Easter) – Spring Equinox.
Beltane: (May Day)
Litha: (Mid-summer) – Summer Solstice,
Lughnasadh: August 1. Glengarry Highland Games are in honour of the God Lugh
Harvest or Mabon: (Thanksgiving) – Autumn Equinox,
In our coven, these celebrations are open to the public (following Covid restrictions.) All are welcome.
Tarot is a form of divination. For my first column I have decided to use my Robin Wood witch deck to see what is in store for The Seeker this year. I shuffled and chose 5 cards.
The cards from left to right are The Magician, the Ace of Wands, the King of Pentacles, Temperance and 10 of Swords
The question was “How will the Seeker do this year in 2022?”
The first 3 cards show that the Seeker has all of its ducks in a row. There is room for expansion and money will not be a problem. The energy of the paper is high and new ideas will be plentiful and work will flow with few obstacles. By end of summer the energy will be changing. There will be bigger obstacles and the problem will be one of balance and if this balance is not handled properly the end of the year will be a very difficult with hurt feelings and much anger.
What do you see?
See you next month.
May Brigit’s Mantle enfold you and keep you warm. Blessed be!