The Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Program (COHB) is a federal-provincial housing allowance program launched in April 2020. The program is administered by the Province of Ontario. The City of Cornwall has been provided with an annual allocation since its inception. Currently the program is closed. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) may provide funding to the municipality once funding becomes available in April 2022.
The purpose of the COHB is to increase the affordability of rental housing by providing income-tested, portable housing benefit payment directly to eligible households in housing need that are on or are eligible to be on social housing waiting lists and to household in housing need living in the community.
Cornwall SDG Human Services Department, Housing Programs has prepared a pre-determination application to be made available in April 2022. Applicants will be required to provide the following documents:
- Identification for each household member (ie: Driver’s license, birth certificate, etc.)
- Social insurance Number
- Bank statements (recent 2 months) for all bank accounts from each household member
- Proof of current income (2 months) for each household member (ie: paystubs, etc.)
- Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada for the most recent taxation year for each adult household member
- Rental Agreement
- If direct deposit payment is your preferred method of payment submit a VOID cheque
With the limited funding available, it will be first come, first served as well as only applications with all the supporting documents will be processed.
If you are interested in applying, please check this site for updates. You may also call Housing Programs at 613-933-6282 ext. 3315 or email at [email protected].