It’s been a wild ride, and it’s not over yet
Day 7 post isolation. I’m no longer testing positive since yesterday.
The younger kids have recovered nicely and there is no telling they had Covid. But all the adults are still struggling, in various ways and at various levels.
My husband, John went back to work. His work is physical and it’s been hard. He is a work horse normally, and usually puts in 12 hour days, 4 times a week, but this week, he tired easily and couldn’t go back to doing as much as he usually does. No matter how much his mind wanted to, his body could not follow. He’s still congested and has the occasional coughing fit.
Josh has also gone back to work and is also feeling run down. He sleeps a lot.
Mateo, the 17 year old, is doing alright but has quite a big of congestion.
As for me, I am ok. I’m back to working out, but I can’t do my full 30 minutes of cardio yet. I’m at 20-25 minutes. I’ve had the occasional heart palpitation and chest pain, but it’s minimal. I’ve taken the kids State side this past week to visit Darien Lake’s Six Flags. I did many rides so I think my heart is ok. I probably would have gone into cardiac arrest other wise! That “Ride of Steel” has quite the drop!
I still have congestion and a cough. But the most worrisome symptom is neurological. I’m sharp, I don’t have brain fog or problems focusing but I’ve been having a hard time finding my words. I’ll be in a sentence and I’ll have a hard time finding the word I’m trying to say or blurb out the wrong word. This has been happening a lot this past week. I hope it’s just a temporary thing.
Have you had covid and are still experiencing effects? Join us next week as we discuss life post covid with Ivan Labelle and Stephen Douris on Monday Morning Motivation!