Municipal Elections are taking place in October. As one of the main media outlets in the City of Cornwall, The Seeker is always eager to getting to know the candidates. The mayoral candidates have a special importance as they will get to lead council for the next four years. We asked them to give their position on the most pressing issues near and dear to you, our readers. Every candidate was sent 11 questions, penned by our own, Jason Setnyk. They can chose to answer as many as they want. We will post them online as they come in. Here are Glen Grant’s Questions and Answers. Click on any question to reveal the answer.
1 – Please give us a brief biography / tell the readers about yourself.
(e.g., work/family/education/experience)
Born in Cornwall, married to Sylvia, retired from Domtar, Stock Preparation Dept., Pipefitter, Mill Safety Co-ordinator, Human Resource Co-ordinator and Maintenance Supervisor
Education: CCVS, Humber College and St. Lawrence College
Experience: City Councillor (13 plus years ), Currently Mayor (16 months).
2 – If you were on Council the previous term, tell us about your accomplishments during the past four years. If you were not on City Council this last term, please tell us why you are running and what you hope to accomplish.
It is difficult to measure individual accomplishments when all decisions are by majority vote. However, as a City Council, working with administration, we were able to attract record investment in our Industrial Park and increased Housing initiatives that resulted in increased population and new assessment dollars. City Council’s Strategic Plan is the guide to our accomplishments. Leading the Community team that built the Benson Centre is the one improvement moments in my years on City Council.
3 – With rents skyrocketing, what can City Council in Cornwall do to prevent renovictions like those at Cumberland Gardens that have impacted many in our community?
Working with the Legal Clinic, we prevented residents from being forced out of their homes. However, we must lobby the Provincial Government to tighten up the language in the Landlord Tenant Act to support tenant’s rights
4 – In 2018, the City of Cornwall purchased the old Bank of Montreal building in our downtown for $450,000 as the future home of Cornwall’s Art Centre. In 2019, Council heard a report that renovations would cost an additional $4 to $6 million dollars. In addition to the fundraising already being done, will you support some public tax dollars going towards a Cornwall Art Centre, or should the municipality pause any additional financial support?
I support the Arts Centre.
5 – Post-pandemic, what can Council do to improve Economic Development for the city and support existing businesses?
If you look at the record investment in our city, Economic Development has been a major part of that investment. This has resulted in new jobs, an increase in our population which assisted our commercial sector with new customers. Economic Development, with City Council’s support, continues to move Cornwall forward.
6 – What are your thoughts on the McConnell Medical Clinic closure? Although health care is a provincial issue, is there anything Council can do to attract more doctors and nurses to our city?
It is unfortunate that the McConnell Medical Clinic is closing. However, City Council has a very good medical Recruitment Program and a Medical Scholarship Program. Both of these programs assist in attracting medical professionals into our community.
7 – While climate change is a global issue, what can the City do locally to keep our neighborhoods cool and protect natural resources like the St. Lawrence River?
No answer.
8 – Many City businesses are open on Sundays, and many events happen on Sundays. Do you support Sunday service for Cornwall Transit?
1. Cornwall Transit manager reviews the transit needs on a regular basis, including Sunday service. If the analysis demonstrates a need for Sunday service a report will be presented to City Council to debate and support the recommendation.
9 – What can we do to improve social services in Cornwall? Examples include but are not limited to Cornwall Transit, childcare spaces, or LTR spaces.
No answer.
10 – Do you support keeping tax increases to a bare minimum? If yes, where would the savings come from, and would you support reducing some services? If you do not support keeping tax increases to a minimum, explain your reasoning why.
Each year city administration presents a budget that covers all the current services and requirements that make up an efficient city. The budget also includes all the requirements in our Asset Management Plan. This ensures that all our infrastructure is up to date and working efficiently. City Council recognizes these requirements and arrive at a final budget that normally has a tax increase of 2-3 percent. I support our current budget process.
11 – How can candidates contact you? Please provide a phone number and/or email and/or one website (or one social media link).
Phone: (H0 613-932-5872 or (C) 613-330-7975
Facebook: gl***************@gm***.com