A stunning photo taken by Cornwall pet parent Jane McLaren of her dogs Hannah and Nessie is helping to raise funds for pets and pet parents in need. The image of the Shetland Sheepdogs, who are registered therapy dogs, and volunteer alongside Jane, was selected from more than 15,500 entries and will be featured as January in the Pet Valu 2023 calendar. To celebrate Hannah and Nessie, Pet Valu Eastcourt Mall (1380 2nd Street) is currently exhibiting a five foot x three foot display showcasing the winning photo of the Sheepdogs and some fun facts about them.

The annual calendar, which contains photos of 15 Canadian pets taken by their pet parents, including dogs, cats, a guinea pig, a budgie, and a bearded dragon, will be available in all Pet Valu stores, outside of Quebec, including locations under its regional banners – Bosley’s by Pet Valu®, Paulmac’s Pets®, Tisol® and Total Pet® across Canada for a give-what-you-can donation in mid-December. One hundred per cent of the donations go towards Pet Valu’s Companions for Change TM initiatives. Since 2010, Companions for Change initiatives have raised over $23 million for hundreds of Canadian animal rescues and charities and they have found forever homes for more than 41,000 homeless pets.