Based on the 2016 Disney film, “Moana,” this thrilling and heartwarming coming-of-age story follows the strong-willed Moana as she sets sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage. Moana and the legendary demigod Maui embark on an epic journey of self-discovery and camaraderie as both learn to harness the power that lies within. With empowering messages of bravery and selflessness, “Disney’s Moana JR.” is sure to bring out the hero within each of us.
Sitting in the director’s chair once again is Michael DeWolfe, who has directed several of the SVTC’s children’s musicals in the past. Producing the show are Christiane Taylor and Bernadette Piché-Proulx. Vocal direction is by Stephanie St. Louis and Amanda Marini-Rohde is the show’s choreographer.
“Disney’s Moana JR.” will be staged at the Aultsville Theatre, 2 St. Lawrence Drive, Cornwall, on Saturday December 2 at 1:30 and 4:00 PM, and on Sunday, December 3 at 1:30 PM. Reserved seats are $23.00, $21.00, and $15.00 and can be bought in advance online at or by phone at 613-933-3998. (Please phone if you require wheelchair seating.) They will also be available at the door from one hour before curtain time, but it is strongly recommended that you buy tickets in advance and get them early to avoid disappointment. All sales are final; no refunds or exchanges.
For more information, visit and the Seaway Valley Theatre Company’s Facebook page. Be sure to also follow the hashtag #SVTCMarysWedding on social media.