City of Cornwall awarded $7,500 by Tree Canada’s Community Tree Grants, with the financial assistance of the LCBO.
This grant was developed to encourage and support community tree planting projects that create long-lasting benefits where people live, work, or play.
“We continue to thank our community-minded businesses who partner with the City of Cornwall in educating and protecting our residents on the changes within our climate,” said Todd Lalonde, Parks and Landscaping Supervisor.
The amount received by the City of Cornwall will be used for the planting and maintenance of edible trees and shrubs in Mattice Park. The initiative will increase biodiversity in the park which will not only attract beneficial urban wildlife, but it will also assist with better psychological well-being in children. Planting edible trees throughout the park will offer a lively, engaging, multi-sensory way to teach children about biodiversity.
“The block of Edward, Lennox, McConnell, and Cotton Mill has a high heat island effect,” said Angela Parker, Sustainability Project Coordinator. “Adding more trees to Mattice will help cool the hot summer air, making it a healthier space to be when outside.”
Finally, fruit and nut trees will encourage urban wildlife to flourish; thus, increasing the biodiversity in the neighbourhood. The City of Cornwall is working towards a Bird Friendly City certification through Nature Canada, and adding more edible native trees to its landscape will increase food sources for birds.
To honour the project, the community will be invited to participate in the planting of the trees at their park. Working with the Raisin Region Conservation Authority, the City will prepare the site for planting.
The tentative community planting date is slated for April 20, 2024 (weather dependent).
The tree species that will be planted include hackberry, black walnut, and swamp white oak. Shrub species for a new edible garden at Mattice will include paw-paw, pagoda dogwood, high bush cranberry, and crabapple. Transition Cornwall+ will be designing the edible garden and assisting with the planting.