Do you ever read a post or thread on social media that really resonates? That could almost speak for you?
This one does for me. It’s a Twitter thread (X) written by “AnnaSova” who is from a small community in Alberta. I don’t know her real name or the name of her town because she has been “physically threatened in my small community for not supporting conservatives” but I got her permission to post it here in its entirety.
This is her commentary.

#8: The fake tylenol screw up, brought to you by the Alberta Conservatives, is similar in expense to the Arrive Can app that was brought to you by the Liberals. On both side the intent was good and the execution bad. The Arrive Can app worked – but cost a ridiculous $60 Million and Conservatives are still bitching about it years later. The small amount of medication that did make it to Canada made it after the shortage of children’s mediation was over.

#9 Story here in Alberta Politics

#10 Like the recent comment here from MP Marty Morantz from Manitoba openly insinuating that Justin Trudeau is a dictator said “Take the jackboots off the necks of Canadians”. He said it deliberately knowing how inflammatory it was. Or this one where “Poilievre accuses Trudeau of working against Canada and in ‘a foreign dictatorship’s interests’ “. I mean, really?

“Conservatives call off probe into misogynistic tags on Poilievre’s YouTube channel”. Here is the LINK to story.

#14 Why is the shadow cabinet larger than the actual party in power? And why is Poilievre campaigning when there is no election called?

#19. When Conservatives don’t like an opposing political opinion they use swarm tactics. The whole gang dutifully gets on board and they republish and amplify the approved party statement. Recently BC Premier David Eby supported the carbon tax. Pierre Poilievre tweeted “David Eby claims his carbon tax doesn’t cost British Columbians but the facts are clear: Trudeau and Eby’s carbon tax is not worth the cost.” And what followed was the predictable swarm of Conservative MPs dutifully crapping all over David Eby on Twitter (and elsewhere) to intimidate him. Bullying at it’s best.

#20 Here’s a partial list of Conservative Premier Doug Ford’s cuts in Ontario LINK to story

FINI here as well. Thanks AnnaSova.
She said it well! Conservatives are getting away with murder and hatred and division is running rapid with them. Myself, I am called a Liptard constantly, Doesn’t really bother me because I see where is is coming from.
Recently, I had a bunch of Conservatives try to attack my online hobby store telling everyone to not buy from me because I am not Conservative.
Didn’t work but the idea that they wanted to destroy me because I am not a Conservative is frightening.
I hear ya.
We hear you LOUD & Clear Louise !!!!
Liberal good, Conservative bad.
Keep up the “good” work and you can
eventually run this country right into
the ground.