WOW, that was quite the day yesterday. I hope everyone enjoyed the $61.9 BILLION dollar theater that took part on Canadian’s dime. Yup, they even had me going as I watched everyone having a melt-down about Kristia Freeland resigning, but we all kind of knew that Sean Fraser’s announcement of setting down, as Minister of Housing, wasn’t going to be distracting enough with the size of the deficit, didn’t we?
Yesterday many of us were glued to our TVs watching as media tried and tried to get information from the various Liberal MPs. I guess those who want Trudeau to step down weren’t in on this latest theatre. They, of course, might actually have a sense of morals and ethics. But then you only had to listen to when the Liberal Caucus meeting took place and some media stated that Kristia and Justin had a big hug. That was when the gig was up for me.
What’s really enlightening about this entire breach of trust was that I wasn’t the only one who thought of this. There were a number of us who had a chat as to how one of the opposition parties might bring this all to the Governor General to shut down parliament and drop the writ causing an election. By the way, she can do that under her “prerogative powers,” but that’s for another time. The more with chatted about this, though, the clearer it all became.
Here you go the steps to completely deceive the people of Canada.
Firstly, do a deal with China and the UN spending money like a drucken sailor.
Secondly, to ensure everyone is looking over here and so no one individual in the Cabinet will be to blame, make sure the Minister of Finance (MoF) Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) resigns.
This is such huge news that it’s a win-win-win for the PMO, even though the MoF says it’s all the Trudeau’s fault that the deficit has gone way over the “guard-rail” that she imposed. What is really a good scam is that she tried to tell Canadians and the world was that “he made me do it,” when, if it was that bad all she had to do was resign as soon as Sock-Boy went over the red-line of spending. She waited until the day she was to present the ‘fiscal update’ to resign. Heck that even distracted some of the most seasoned reporters.
Thirdly, with the Liberal House Leader, Gould, having worked purportedly “in good faith” with the other parties and garnering a unanimous vote, in the house, for the Speaker of the House to set time aside for this “fiscal update,” stating that the DPM/MoF would present it in the House of Commons. And then it being Gould who eventually brought in the papers for the opposition parties to “table” the fiscal update…WOW even the Speaker (Liberal) was in on this because he went along with it, pushing back on the opposition parties to allow Gould to present a one liner and books. Now that’s sickening…but it doesn’t stop there.
Good old Jagmeet (NDP) is in on this, as well. Look the guy just can’t act and JT shouldn’t have even let him in on it. With Jag being out there saying that JT needs to resign for this … what a joke. Now it should be very obvious he doesn’t want an election and perhaps those who say he’s staying until he get’s his pension is correct. With his acting skills – sure seems that way.
But lastly, we need to look at Freeland. Sure, she made some phone calls and only came out of her cave for the caucus meeting. She tried to lay blame elsewhere, just like the Liberal-NDPs always do, but you know a skunk just can’t change its stripes, and we all know she’s as dirty as JT, for misleading Canadians. To think so many were caught up in this being her push to become the new Liberal leader…really???
Someone should let Katie know this is the same “play-book” used in the Dalton era, in Ontario. Can’t they come up with something new???
Long and short we were all duped by the Cabinet and Jagmeet. This is a violation of the House of Commons, democracy, and it places the Crown in disrepute. So, ya, there are reasons for the opposition parties to knock on the door of Rideau Hall and ask the G. G. for an election…but that’s up to them to figure it out. I/we spent too much time, last night, thinking, knowing and understanding how to do this…but funny we didn’t get that call…
Until next time…
Elizabeth Marshall
Director of Research – Ontario Landowners Association
Past Chair – Canadian Justice Review Board
Legal/Legislative/General Researcher –
MPs, MPPs, Municipal Officials, Lawyers, etc.
I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.