Here are Five Questions with 2014 Cornwall Ontario City Council candidate Maurice Dupelle.
1 – Tell the voters a bit about yourself. What skills and experience would make you a good candidate for Council?
My name is Maurice Dupelle I am 42 years old married to Karen Taillon and Father of 3 Noah who is 12 and twin girls Paige and Hannah who are 7. I am currently a manager with Community Living Glengarry. I am currently involved as a member of the boards for 8 different committees. I feel that my commitment to our community and my experience over the past 4 years as a city councilor and my dedication to you the resident gives me the skills to represent Cornwall as a well rounded councilor.
2 – In what ways could we improve Economic Development and how can we make Cornwall a more friendly city for small businesses?
We need to continue to attract and sell our community to large firms willing to set up business in Cornwall. We must ensure that we continue to build business up towards the corridor of the 401 area that would encourage people to stop and shop Cornwall. We must continue to encourage and provide incentives to our local small business that are the foundation of the business community.
3 – What is your vision for arts and culture? Would you support the building of an Arts and Culture Centre in Cornwall?
I would most certainly support building an Arts and Culture Center in Cornwall. I truly believe that we must have an active working Arts and Culture committee made up of the Arts community. The Arts and Culture community must create a fundraising committee with a vision of “build it they will come” and the city council must support and stand behind this initiative.
4 – Do you support freezing or lowering taxes? If so, where would the savings come from, and would you support reducing some services? If you do not support freezing or lowering taxes explain why.
For the past 4 years as a city councilor I have always advocated for keeping taxes down. I do not support reducing services, however I believe that we must perform detailed audits of each department and service to ensure we are operating as an effective and efficient department that is providing services to our community.
5 – What has been the biggest accomplishment at City Hall over the past four years OR what has been the biggest issue of concern at City Hall over the past four years?
The biggest accomplishment over the past 4 years would have to be Community growth in the business sector attracting firms to come to Cornwall to do business while creating employment for the residents of Cornwall. The biggest issue facing this past 4 years is accountability and transparency of administration and city council.