John Lucio writes about becoming a lion: If you know anything about The Seeker, you know what we’re all about: Giving back to the community. It’s about using positive energy to uplift a community. That’s what this newspaper is all about. It’s the reason why positive news is printed and not negative. It’s never been about trying to amass wealth. If it was wealth The Seeker was after, the paper would thrive on feeding negativity–Junk food for thought. And it would sell advertisements like crazy, from giving the illusion that this is what everyone in the community is talking about. Junk. Disgusting but yum yum. Mmmnnnn… A tasty but toxic energy treat eating away at a society made high on delusion. Citizens laughing, unknowing that our social fabric is withering away. Fortunately for the people, that’s not at all what this newspaper is about. The power of this pen is for the betterment of the people. Positive energy.
People who know Seeker Chick Julia Lucio also know this about her. That’s why she’s so respected in the community, and why organizations want her to join. Well, she can’t join every organization. But, recently, when Julia and myself were invited to join the Lions Club, of course we joined. Yes! Absolutely. We’ve actually been working with them in their local community service here Cornwall & area for some time now, helping them in the ways that we can. There is no greater honor and reward than helping others and giving back to the community. So, to actually be inducted as a Lion, makes Julia and myself so very proud to participate in such a humbling experience and to be part of a team thriving on humility and generosity. Exactly the kind of people with whom we like to surround ourselves. These are wonderful human beings, for whom we have the highest respect and honor to have joined and serve with.
We live in a world beset on all sides by calamity and inequity. Those surrounding you affect you, your attitude, and your life, especially through the things they say. Ever notice that there’s a platitude available to apply as a bandaid to just about every misery known to humankind? Many people are satisfied in giving just those comforting words to others in need. But not me. And not Julia. We don’t give platitudes. Platitudes in times of real need add to the hurt. We are people of action, acknowledging that the only thing that affects positive change is positive action. That’s why we give of ourselves what we give whenever we can. And that’s why we are so honored to have joined the Cornwall Seaway Lion’s Club. Because good works through sincere effort is how to help people. Words alone mean nothing–no matter how comforting those words may be. People need real help from others, not platitudes. And real help almost always cost money. Money!
The Lions Club operates to raise money to bring real help to people in real need. These awesome individuals (“Lions”) are each a paragon of leadership in the community, selfless and caring for others through their hard work and dedication. Each year the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club raises tens of thousands of dollars which they reinject into the community. We are proud to announce that we are official members of the Lions Club International. Visit our website for more information about what we do in the area, and contact Lion Phil Shorey if you are interested in joining our chapter and becoming a Lion.