Pride : a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed inbearing, conduct, etc.
After 6 years in power, The President of the United States (@POTUS) finally was allowed to get his own Twitter account. Within minutes, the poor guy was flooded with tweets coming from idiotic racist right wingers throwing racial slurs at him as if they were going out of style.
The bombardment and intensity of the insults aimed at POTUS revealed just how little has been achieved in the States as far as eradicating the hatred goes. “Welcome to Twitter N*gger”, “Hello Black Monkey”, and “We need a rope” are only a few of the milder messages the President received that day. Some were much more graphic and quite frankly, hard to read. Is that what we call “white pride”?
I was kind of hoping twitter would put a stop to it; I understand we have freedom of speech but when we reach the point where that speech becomes hate speech, shouldn’t the person be silenced?
I looked further.
Did you know that if you type “nigga house” in Google Maps, the very first result that shows up is the white house? And you know why?
Surely, the White House did not use the words “nigga house” to describe their website! The keywords and meta tags do not include those words, but Google uses algorithms to index stuff. It relies on user interaction and these users, by flooding sites with keywords that link to a certain page, can trick Google’s algorithms into making mistakes. Google also relies on numbers. A lot of individuals are obviously searching for that term in order to trick the search engine into indexing the White House under Nigga House. Is that what we call “white pride”?
I was kind of hoping Google would put a stop to it; I understand errors happen, but when these errors reach the point where they propagate hate, shouldn’t they be rectified? Immediately?
Millions of Americans hide behind the “White Pride” label, yet the white pride movement is deeply rooted in racism. Their logo is widely used by white separatists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They proclaim they have a right to be proud of their race, but do they have that right to the detriment of other races? They deny that there is such a thing as “White Priviledge” or that many think there is a “White Entitlement”. They stick their heads in the sand to avoid facing the injustice going on in their own country. They use the bible to justify their actions. They demean, insult, belittle. And they do it to anyone who’s not white, including the President.
I believe white pride is an excuse to be racist. I personally refuse to be part of anything that makes others feel less significant. I believe that to lift yourself up, you have to lift up others. And I believe that the way you treat people comes back ten folds.
Remember. We all bleed red.