8 years ago, when Obama won the presidency, right wing extremists got all hot and bothered thinking this was a sign of the times. The end of the world was near! He was the Antichrist, the one the bible warned us about! They foretold that he would bring the world to complete annihilation, launching us into the post rapture era. Yet, here we are, still standing, and the US is in much better shape now than it was then.
Now it’s our turn…
Today, we have a new Prime Minister. A young Prime Minister. It didn’t take very long for the naysayers to start prophesying about the end of Canada as we know it. As a matter of fact, they started the fear mongering tactics way before the elections. Talks of Trudeau actually having strong ties to Islamic groups, including Isis and Al-Qaeda, spread out on the internet like wild fires. Much similarly to when Republicans accused Obama of being a closeted Islamic and asked to see his birth certificate, some Conservatives went on a Witch Hunt, using half truths and out of context information to try to somehow scare Canadians into voting submissively.
It didn’t work.
Canada voted for freedom. Freedom to use alternative medicine instead of being chained to big pharmaceuticals, freedom to choose to die with dignity instead of suffering endlessly, freedom to believe in whichever God you want without being persecuted.
Canada voted to protect equality and justice for all. We voted for a platform which encompasses every Canadian, regardless of their sexual orientation, their race, their religion. We voted for a government that will look after ALL of its people’s best interest, no matter their class or beliefs. We voted for a ruler who will respect people’s differences, not fear them. Today, “We beat fear with hope”.
Sadly, negativity is pouring. The discourse coming from the right is not pretty. They are judging. They have nothing kind to say about Trudeau, although he hasn’t even had a chance to prove himself. They judge him on the things they predict will happen, on premonitions, gut feelings or because “God revealed the future to them.” They choose to condemn and attack on things that have been propagated through numerous advertisements during a vicious campaign that came out of opposing camps. “But, nice hair though!”
Justin clearly feels the heartbeat of Canada and Canada, well for the majority, has embraced him. He is young, vibrant, yet humble. Like his father, he shows finesse and a deep love for the people. He comes from the right cloth. He is not and will not be a perfect leader, nobody is. He has big shoes to fill and he is ready to work with the people, for the people. “The Conservatives are not our enemies, they are our neighbours.”
Now OUR job, is to be encouraging. We need to stand behind him and cheer him on. And I bet you anything, he will surprise all of us.
Only time will tell… But for crying out loud, give the guy a chance!