The Counties, Ontario: At the February 16, 2016 County Council meeting Warden Jamie MacDonald presented a donation of five maps and eight volumes of historical documents to Mr. Allan MacDonald, County Archivist for the Glengarry County Archives.
The historical documents will be for archival purposes and public access. Valued at $60,000 the donation includes an 1823 hand-drawn map from Surveyor Browne, detailing a new county road to explorer and fur trader Simon Fraser’s Mills at St. Andrews.
The Glengarry County Archives is the largest repository of historical records in Eastern Ontario and contains the foremost collection of history about Glengarry County in Canada.
Quick Facts
· The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry is comprised of three historical counties: Stormont County, Dundas County and Glengarry County.
· The Glengarry Historical Society decided to establish an Archives as its 50th anniversary project.
· Incorporated as a municipal corporation in 2013, the archives is the official repository for the records of the Townships of North and South Glengarry municipal governments and is mandated to preserve the records of individuals, businesses and organizations from the settlement period to the present.
· The Glengarry County Archives, located at 212 Main St N, Alexandria, is open 10am-3pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Photo: SDG Warden Jamie MacDonald (left), Allan MacDonald, County Archivist for the Glengarry County Archives (Right)