Hi to all of you Cornwallites reading the most Positive, “Real” paper in the land… I feel bad about not writing my column last week… due to having a FLU VIRUS from HELL!!! I still am feeling off balance at times with such low energy and all this from a virus that I had never had before in my whole life. I have seen better days, but I have seen and experienced worse. I don’t have everything I want in life, but I do have all that I need. I woke up with aches and pains, but I WOKE UP!!! My Life may not be perfect, but I have been Blessed with so many wonderful people and things in my life!!! Like my four beautiful daughters, my 3 handsome sons, and all of my eight, dear grandchildren. I am truly grateful and so very thankful to have such a caring, giving, and a loving partner, like my John. LIFE IS GRAND, IF YOU MAKE & FEEL IT TO BE SO!!! I realized these past two weeks on how much we rely on our health every day… and with it being taken away from me… I choose to make better decisions and do more things with family and friends. We never know when our day will come… So Please make each and every day count in the lives of the ones you love and cherish…Even, In Your Own!!!
Tip of the Week: When you go to buy bread in the grocery store… Have you ever wondered which is the freshest??? Do you “squeeze” for freshness or softness??? Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different color twist tie or plastic clip. They are: Monday = Blue, Tuesday = Green, Thursday = Red, Friday = White, Saturday = Yellow. So, if today was Thursday, you would want red twist tie; not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)!!! The colors go alphabetically by color: Blue- Green – Red – White – Yellow. Monday through Saturday. Tis very easy to remember. I thought this was interesting. I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties, and even the ones with the plastic clips have different colors. You CAN learn something NEW every day… No matter how old or you are!!! So enjoy “Fresh Bread” when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping on.
Last Friday I had the pleasure (after being in the house for nearly 2 weeks) to go on a mini-road-trip to Montreal with my eldest daughter, Melinda. We were on a mission to pick up a precious package. The day was perfect and the roads were clear to take this trip safely to enable us to pick up the NEWest member to the family…an 8-week-old, English Bulldog puppy. What A Doll!!! She’s so Perfect and beautifully marked and so Healthy. We chose different names for the puppy on the way home, but Melinda and I waited to be with the rest of the family to have them vote on a name for this precious puppy. The previous owners called her Queenie…so we choose Queen, Daisy, Pearl for her “official name”. It was such a joy to be with Daisy and the rest of the grandkiddies over the weekend. From being on the road to feeling and getting better gave me that “BOOST” that I needed to get me on the Feeling Better Road to Happiness… My Family, My Happiness!!!
Item of the Week: Spring is waaay less then a month away, (March 21st to be exact) So then that means Summer is just around a couple of corners. The item I have choosen to show you this week is an item for SUMMERTIME!!! They are a pair of silicone “swim aides” to wear on your hands whilst swimming. They were ONLY $2.00 a pair and WILL HELP me swim more swiftly through the cooling, St. Lawrence waters, like the Littlest Mermaid. Why not get something from your Spring & or Summer things just to give you a glimmer of hope that Sunnier & Warmer days ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!
FAMILY News: I would like to wish my mom a belated Happy 78th Birthday. I look forward to spending some time with her once I’m completely feeling better. It’s always best to ‘time shift’ birthdays and events, because there are times when we just can’t be somewhere on the official date. So if you miss an important day, just choose another day when you can make the event happen.
Until Next Week: You know that just because a person smiles all of the time, doesn’t mean their life is perfect…THAT “SMILE” you see is a symbol of Their HOPE & STRENGTH!!!
Fact: It takes more muscles to FROWN, than to SMILE… So Turn That Frown Upside Down!!! Smiles Are Free… So FREELY Give Them Away This Week. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca