Hi There To Everyone that has decided to read ~The Seeker~, the most Positive Paper in the Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area. Mother Nature… What is up with you this year??? We Canadians have had enough of Winter and want the warmer and sunnier days of Spring to happen sooner then later. Although we have been experiencing cold and windy days of late, I am still seeing the many miracles of Spring that are happening all around me. There are many plant-shoots coming up from the cold, dark ground and even the crocuses are blooming out their pretty yellow and purple petals, despite the frigid temperatures we are having. I have seen two more Robins and many V-lines of Canadian Geese returning from the South. I have also been hearing different types of song birds, tweeting their sweet tunes to attract potential mates or perhaps just because they want to sing. SPRING IS HERE!!! Nothing can STOP Spring from coming … NOTHING!!! SPRING is Here To Stay, but we have to be a bit more patient with the antics of Maw Nature for a short while longer, that’s all. ♪ ♫ ♪ Tweet ♪ ♫ Tweet ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Tweety ♪ ♫ ♫ Tweet♪ ♫ ♪ Tweety♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ Tweet ♫ ♪ ♫Tweet♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Human Translation: Have Yourselves a Happy Spring Week Ahead!!!
Tip of the Week: CAT PUUUURRR Healing Powers: Did you know that cats create PUUURRR vibrations that are medically therapeutic for many diseases? BONE Health: Frequencies of 25 & 50 Hz are the best and 100Hz & 200 Hz are the 2nd best frequencies for promoting Bone Strength. BLOOD PRESSURE: Cat PUUURRRS LOWER blood pressure whilst you are interacting with your cat and even hearing the purring sounds. Muscles Healing: Cat puurrs can heal INFECTIONS & SWELLING. WOUND HEALING: The vibrations are helpful for HEALING tendons & muscles. HEART Health: Cat owners have 41% less risk of heart attacks. STRESS Reliever: By petting a purring cat it CALMS & LOWERS stress. So CATS are not only pretty, soft and fun to have around, but they are HEALERS as well!!! “Here, Cloudy, Cloudy, Mom needs some Cat Therapy!”
John and I had a very busy and fun kind of weekend rejoicing with our good friend, Curtis Archer and his family and friends. We enjoyed listening to some good tunes, enjoying a delicious BBQ meal of hamburgers, salad and even had a couple of drinks to help welcome Curtis to his New Place. A New Beginning & A Fresh Start!!! John and I were then off to help celebrate Randy Sauve & Carol Grants B/B party at ~La Maison~, along with Randy’s 55th birthday. The ~Lost Boys~ sounded wonderful and I got up to dance a few dances with Josee, Carol and some other lovely ladies. We left around 11:15ish then he drove and dropped me off at the ~Comfort Inn~ to be with my third daughter, Ella Rose. She had been there since Friday because of photographing the dance competitions that were being held all weekend long at the ~Aultsville Theatre~. I always love spending some “Quality time” with my Ella Rosey, as she is always so busy with her modeling, wedding and promotional businesses that takes her all around the world. I just have to try and convince her to take me along with her next time when she visits Europe, or Cuba or Greece. Now, where is my passport and sunglasses???
Item of the Week: This week I am choosing a cute, little, black, satin purse with embroidered, colourful flowers that looks like a lady’s bodice with a tie-up corset on the back. I purchased it from ~The Salvation Army~ for a $1.00!!! I get a lot of comments from both men and women on this little, black number. I tell people that by having these “Unique purses” that no woman can or could ever say that it belongs to them. I like being UNIQUE!!! Doesn’t Everybody??? Be sure to shop at our local thrift stores here in Cornwall. There are always bargains and treasures to find for both you, your family, and friends. These organizations help others that are less fortunate here in our own community so please support them and GO SHOP until You Drop!!!
Family News: My wee William’s 4th Birthday is this Sunday, April 10th. My, I can hardly believe that 4 years have gone by since you came in to the world my dear, sweet grandson. I love how imaginative you are and how you get so excited and happy over the simplest things. I continue to be in awe of you, William…You have such a pleasant and loving personality and you can always make me smile. May you have a WONDERFUL kind of Birthday that will be celebrated with your two brothers, sister, your Momma & Dad, and me, Nana. I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR WILLIAM!!! See you on Sunday when you will be turning the BIG FOUR!!!
Until Next Week: WE were born with Potential … WE were born with Goodness and Trust … WE were born with Ideas and Dreams … WE were born with Greatness … WE were born with Wings … WE were not meant for crawling, so DON’T!!! WE Have Wings…Learn To Use Them & FLY~~~ The DIFFERENCE between ORDINARY & EXTRAORDINARY is that ~~little EXTRA~~!!! Why NOT Be That Little Extra!!!
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca